In Germany

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A female stood just in the shadows red hair and piercing orange eyes watching a seemingly younger version of her sister playing with a wolf cub in the sun surprisingly her pale skin did not reflect the sun like the immortal she was.

As she was running her black hair flowing after her wiping around trying to keep up with the movements contracting; her skin were pink lips and a gorgeous pair of reddish orange eyes as the ginger furred wolf with there golden ones took in its surroundings guarding to ensure no danger ruins there time together as the male did fine joy in being with the young girl.

Unnoticed by the woman in the shadows a man walks up to her snaking his cold dead pale hands around her, stealing her waist and claiming it.

She turned her head just slightly to meet his gaze, leaning her back into him as he fixed his arms around her pulling her closer to him fixing his head into the crook of her neck.

Some may think they were a couple or perhaps just lovers but to those that knew them knew better that was his master, someone forever out of reach to him but he did not mind being in love with her even if she would never feel the same way to him.

"Mistress, you should go with your sister. Heaven knows she adores any time spent with you regardless of circumstance."

The pair kept frolicking outside enjoying the sun in the sanctuary of the private land owned by the fire haired woman in the shadows there was a time when she was not like this not so cold full of malice her vibrant red hair and eyes like a sunset were full of life and loving energy her soft radiant skin has never seen a single mark forever perfect her face would blushed a deep blood like red at the slightest hint of embarrassment.

She still looks the part but her smile long ago faded this was not her sister this was her reincarnation and of course she still loved them both equally but the differences are there and it was such a long gap in time without her.

Yes a reincarnation is not an exact replica she new that but the difference in the little things still hurt from time to time making her feel as if she is replacing the one that stuck by her through tough times it felt like she was betraying her beloved der Schatz.

She could not live with herself if that was the case her Diadama was gone forever and she would be stuck with this replica and reminder of the thing she loved the most for the rest of her life whether she likes it or not the little red ribbon on her hand forever reminding her of why she was doing it.

" going to get eat...make sure that Pup...does not step out of line."

The man took a deep breath taking in the sent of his mistress the distinct scent of chamomile and honey her favorite tea hitting his nose how he longed to keep her in his arms though he would never dare say anything it was made clear to him centuries ago that his lady did not care for him in that matter the only people that would have the pleasure of being in her mind would forever be her sister and if ever to appear her true mate though the later has yet to appear.

His mistress has been more than lenient to him on what he desires to call her as well as where his hands are allowed to rest on her figure as long as he was respectful of her and her sister he was allowed to do as pleased around the area respect honor, trust, and value that was the rule of this game if you lost value you lost respect and then trust and so forth till it comes down to your head.

"As you wish my lady."

He knew better than to try anything; she was a cold but respectful lady. Not just to him but to her enemies as well she would not kill for fun or someone unarmed a fair fight no matter what nor would she kill someone without reason only those who deserved pain got it.

Any questions I will be happy to answer just comment

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