Aware Quarters

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Sadly Emmeline had fallen to anticipate just how much her sisters would want to discuss strategies with Caius as she now found herself without her younger sister walking alone with Aro and Marcus in the moon lit hallway to males quarters. She had taken into consideration what Aro had suggested and did in fact space them away from each other but by 10 and not 5. She was beginning to regret that as in doing so she was now separated from her sister and was deeply worried about her not knowing too much about the siblings they were escorting.

“Are you alright cara? You seem stressed." (dear)

Emmeline quickly snapped her head into Marcus' direction. She had almost forgotten that the man was following them seeing that he was so quiet and Aro’s unnecessary breathing made it harder for her to hear his already seemingly nonexistent footsteps. Aro who was walking beside her let out a stifled chuckle at her antics seeing the woman all skittish was rather amusing for him as it reminded him of his time trying to swoon Sulpicia when she was human, reminding himself that he would need to dispose of his now bitter wife later.

“Yes I'm quite alright, just worried– sorry I reacted in such a mannerism I can barely hear you– over Aro’s white noises.”

With that said they now found themselves halted in the dimly lit hallway with the woman in question slightly embarrassed with her excuse though it was honest Macus could not help but stifle a laugh at the fact that the woman found his brother in law loud. Aro on the other hand was simply taken aback taking an expression of slight offense and shock. Loud. He? He had never been called such a thing in all his years of life. Perhaps if she said Marcus was expretly silent he would understand but him being excessively loud just sounded offensive.

“What part of my character is loud to you Amour? My stealth is something I hold some pride in.”

Emmeline was now the one stifling a laugh at the thought of the man in question ever being complimented about his quietness seemed very unlikely to her seeing that there were multiple things that made him loud not even his laugh was quiet as the shrill high pitch of it made it quite impossible. She thought for a moment and continued to walk, choosing to do something she often did with her sibling.

“Where– do I start?”

Marcus immediately took notice of what she was doing and made the executive decision of informing his soul sibling of the game if she did not finish explaining before they got to the desired destination you would need to wait for the last questions to be answered another time. Aro on the other hand was not too worried as he could convince her to continue conversing with him seeing as she has similar interest in abilities as him and she has taken many, allowing him to take the excuse of many questions.

“What exactly is the loudest part of me?”

Emmeline turned around sharply clasping her hands behind her back choosing to face them while she spoke to them but still she continued walking knowing the layout of her sisters castle like her own mind she could easily navigate the area even if she lost her sight as her sister had made her prove one time via blindfolding her. The fond memory of playing hide and seek with her first sister Diadama hit her the indescribable pain she knew Marcus had more than likely experienced with his late wife's ribbon fading away in front of him.

“Well Marcus– you already being very silent– does not help in the slightest.”

He simply gave a sad smile knowing she was deflecting from a hurtful thought as the look in her eye gave her away she definitely not a good liar in the slightest. Aro could hear how her heart had skipped a beat if it was not for the look his soul sibling had he would have more than likely taken it incorrectly but now he questioned what thought was it that made her hurt so much and was there a way to fix it.

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