Answers & Then some

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Quickly Emmeline made her way to her sister's quarters if she could not get answers by simply ask her little sister to explain what on earth was going on to her and what she missed. Surely she could rely on her own blood Desdemona has had enough of her fun messing with her. They had been through everything together come hell or high water even if the heavens were to fall they stuck together and if need be they could rely solely on each other. Before Emmeline knew it she was standing before her siblings door with her hand up about to knock asking for entry but as usual her der Schatz beat her to it.

"Come in you hyperventilating mess of a hybrid."

Desdemona who was reading a book had glanced at her elder sibling when she entered the room but quickly did a double take seeing the state Emmeline was in. Putting her look to the side she shifted her position on her bed in order to be facing her. A small giggle escaped her lips seeing her sister in such a frazzled state sure she had expected one of them to react but she had never seen her sister in such a state.

"It seems like Aro did a number on you."

Desdemona giggled, pulling her sister to sit by her side but once she saw her face she quickly stopped and went serious. Sitting up straight and placing her hands in her lap facing her sibling. She had never seen her like this. It was off putting she was always the calm one trying to not get into fights but now she seemed shaken which of them did this and how did they do it. This was slightly frightening as it was a first for both of them.

"It was Aro right. I could not believe that it would be Marcus to put you in such a state."

The confusion in Emmeline's eyes only grew, making her sister worry a little more. Was it actually Marcus his demeanor and aura made him seem like the last possible option but perhaps she was wrong was it him? She had already told Caius about their bond but due to an impulse he had done on nearly attacking her for answers but she believed that if anyone would react it would have been Aro. Could she truly have miss calculated on the depressed man if so then this was a problem on a strategic level.

"Desde- what can I not see?"

Emmeline's eyes had started to water; she had been playing along with her charade for 24 hours and it was starting to take a toll on her. She needed to cry as she had multiple flashbacks to when her and Diadama when they were children. She was still grieving it hurt to remember the mistakes she made to know where she messed up seeing that constant reminder of her mistake and the last image she always sees is Día burning away as she is dragged away by her parents. Desdemona knew what was going on with her older sister but Emmeline always rejected the help just a split second in her head and then there would be no pain but she did not want anyone in there no matter how in pain she is she always says no to the help, but at least she now knew what was going on.

She had caught on to those three, but was not told seeing as she was probably with only one of them knowing Marcus he would not have been cruel to Aro and tell her without him even if he did want to. Though that did not mean he could not hint it out with advances or actions which would have more than likely made her act like this. Knowing what he had more than likely done she was definitely going to ruin it for him she would need to apologize to Aro for being collateral damage due to his actions, but that is a problem for later.

"Emmeline we have a rare and strong bond to them. Me with Caius and you with Aro and Marcus."

Emmeline seemed to settle down with that but her confused expression stayed unchanged for a few minutes more before her eyes widened in shock or surprise. She truly was blind to these tipes of things then again she was unlike her sister Emmeline did not understand the situation of bonds as she could not see them. The most of her attention was on the present and near future to avoid a repeat of the past. Though something she did not like is something she could not predict, she would often want to get rid of it though it was painfully obvious that she would not be able to do that this time around. "Emmeline, I suggest you do not fight the bonds it will cause pain to both sides and I know you don't like hurting someone without reason." Desdemona pushed her sister onto the bed and tucked her in knowing she would need to rest as she is more wolf then she is immortal. Sometimes it's the younger one's turn to take care of the older one. This was one of those times her sister was obviously tired; the information she now knows is probably overwhelming her. She needed to sleep even if she did not want to. They could all sit down and talk about the situation of the bonds in the morning or whenever she wakes up. Knowing her sister she was more than likely going to avoid the two dark haired males and keep busy to hide from the emotional pull from the bonds. Leaving the room after she was sure Emmeline was actually asleep Desdemona made her way to where she assumed Elijah was; it was obvious she was going to need help with planning something for her sister to agree to a conversation with the two dark haired males that was obvious. Sadly who she found was not Elijah but one of the two guards that did not want to leave said males she seemed to not notice her presence. "Oh I was not anticipating running into you here. If you were hungry I could have had someone get you something Liebling?" Desdemona had found the 4 foot 8 blond female. Though unlike before, the small girl with vermilion eyes had her hair down in low pigtails and was sipping on a blood bag like it was a juice box if she did not already look like a young child before now she definitely did. Desdemona took notice that the girl was eating O negative blood something that she herself enjoyed to drink with her meals. The girl stopped feeding, snapping her head quickly at Desdemona wide eyed and in shock. "Sorry, was I not supposed to feed off certain bloods?" She smiled at the question, shaking her head slightly assuming it was just her young innocence and embarrassment at getting caught sneaking food. She gestured to a seat as she went ahead to get herself something to feed from as unlike her elder sibling Desdemona required a little more than just a glass of blood she was after all much more vampiric in comparison her pale complexion speaks volume in comparison to Emmelines sun kissed tan and freckles. Going ahead and taking her own seat across from the now seated blond she truly needs to learn her name or she is going to end up continuing to call her German pet names or nicknames she may not be comfortable with if she understood what she was saying. She did not want to make the girl uncomfortable when she may not know how long she will be staying with them, which would only cause problems for all of them. Shaking her head once more as she spoke. "Oh no. You could eat what you like, Liebling. I simply find it easier to accommodate guests. It is the Hohenschwangau castle hospitality to make sure you are accounted for. Speaking of, is there anything specific you would like to be called?" Desdemona waited patiently for the girl to answer her inquiry hoping she would finally get a name to the face. Meanwhile she took the liberty of trying to guess her age well the age she was turned and judging by her height, perhaps thirteen or fourteen years old though Elijah did say the Volturi did not like turning people at too young of an age. Something must have happened to make them take such matters; she was barely old enough to not be considered an immortal child. Well their eyes Emmeline did clarify that the range was eight and below but they went with 10 and below. A quick flashback served to remind her just how young she and Emmeline were when she died. Emmeline was trying so hard to get to her but she had yet to shift which limited her strength quite a bit. Desdemona or Diadama at the time had to use her ability to ensure that she would come back the promise to find eachother again and that they would never be apart. A constant reminder of that event was the ribbon on their little finger. "My name is Jane. Can I ask what you two were calling me previously?" Desdemona smiled at her, softly hiding her fangs from the girl. Jane had a look of wonder in her eyes that made the elders' hearts clench. Emmeline would have probably started tearing up at the sight of poor Jane, a good thing she was asleep. She would also probably try to poach her much like Elijha and some of the others that ran to Neuschwanstein castle in fear of persecution from the V pendants as Emmeline liked to call them before they had acquired Elijah and effectively corrected the name to Volturi. Of course Emmeline had taken quick advantage of the opportunity just like she was taught by their father long ago to do. "Well what my sibling calls you is little one. I have been calling you Darling. I hope you don't mind. We tend to resort to those names when we don't know a name." Jane nodded, relaxing her shoulders slightly at her response it seemed that she was seriously fearing she would be reprimanded for simply feeding. The elder of the two smiled at the girl as they engaged in conversation as they ate their fill. Jane asked where the training hall was if they had one and at some point in the conversation they ended up talking about their past and oh dear did they get along. Desdemona used her ability a little before the conversation came to an end and saw that they had a bond of friendship; a nice little pale blue ribbon was now tied to the two from the index finger. If there was anything that happened to Jane she would now know and would be sure to deal with it personally the girl was now considered family in her mind and Emmeline would be more than happy with that. As the conversation came to a close Desdemona said one last thing to the blond that would probably stick with her for the extension of her life as it hit her heart like a dagger. "You remind me of my past life if there is ever anything you need. Hohenschwangau castle has their doors open to you. Your enemies now ours as well. If you need me I will always have time. I must retire now, excuse me." As Desdemona moved to the exit she activated her gift and quickly took note of her bond with Caius going taut at the door. He had listened in on the conversation she had with the young Jane. Right when Desdemona was about to open the door a hand grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks. Turning around she noticed Jane's emotional state and pulled her into an embrace petting her head. The ribbon let her know she was overwhelmed with multiple emotions, not all of them being good; it had seemed she triggered something in Jane that had sadly reminded her of a past she wished not to remember. Soothing the girl Desdemona could not help but wonder about little Jane; she was very similar to her sister as Emmeline would often try her hardest to hold it all in not allowing her to help in any way she would simply hold her as she cried apologizing to her for the past they lived. Those two were very similar indeed. Lucky Caius was not at the door when they exited the room they were in so Desdemona happily walked Jane to her quarters which had a door connected to her younger brother's room. Sadly that was not the case once she left Jane to go to look for Elijha. "Caius do you need something? I am trying to help my sister and your siblings. Knowing Emmeline-" Desdemona let out a squeak that was cut off by Caius hand over her mouth as he had her pinned to the corridor wall. Wide eyed and in shock she stood still and waited for him to calm down or explain his reasoning for the action against her. His face was one of annoyance and slight fear, a confusing mix but something that would make her not fight. He needed to understand she was not his enemy and if she did anything at the moment that would just make things worse. He was breathing though it was very unnecessary. Her heart beat had slowed back to normal from the fright he gave her but that was over and now she merely had to wait for him to let her go. Patiently she waited for him to calm his nerves. He on the other hand was waiting for her to react but it was starting to become obvious she would not go against him. "On which foot do you lean?" He let her off the wall but kept a firm hold on her wrist not daring to let her run from him. He listened for her heart and her breathing to change in any way that would let him know if she lied to him. He needed to know she was so kind to him, kept a distance and did not disrespect him in any way. He needed to know if she was fighting herself being part wolf natural enemies it was a very obvious thing to him she could be forcing herself to be kind knowing the bond they had it could all be fake. He could always reject it but that would hurt both of them he needed to ensure that if he did it would not be without repercussions from everyone not just the two females his siblings may hate him if Emmeline went into a spiral because of her sister speaking of he did not want to one day have his head ripped off because of them that cold woman may be worse than him for all he knew and out of the two dark haired siblings of his he was more worried about Marcus as he may tourcher him for it Aro would probably just rip his head and be done with it. "I am more of an immortal than my sibling Caius. Now unhand me before you find out if there truly is a god. We are bonded but I will die again before that softens me. I am not my sister." Caius quickly let go of the girl and stepped back as a sharp hiss came out of her he now understood why she was to be with him and not Emmeline. The girl was worse than him; she could handle an outburst and snap just as quickly. It was painfully obvious to him she was indeed being courteous of his preferences; she could have easily killed him whenever she felt the need back there but she did not. She cared and that would be what would break him and strengthen her. He was without a doubt in love with her now and she and him were after all made for each other. The golden thread made that obvious and the now white ribbon tied to Desdemona's ring finger made her honor it. The only problem now was to get Emmeline to be with her bonded party but the problem was how? If she knew anyone that could probably get her to agree to giving someone a chance that would be her friend and advisor on the V pendants. She needed to find him before he left town on his errands and perhaps Caius being responsive could actually help her. "I guess it is my turn to play soldier. If you tell anyone-" A loving smile and the white ribbon went taut as she pulled him to her wrapping her arms around his neck. The expression on his face made her giggle as her checks were disted pink, and the look of surprise as his ego was frazzled quickly to change to one of love and adoration. They were truly perfect for each other. "Als ob ich das jemals tun würde, Liebling." (As if I would ever do that, darling) She walked him back to his quarters before meeting Elijha to speak on her sister and the issue of getting her to comply. He was saddened that he no longer would be able to be as affectionate with her but was happy to hear that she finally found the only other party that would ever have the pleasure to be in her mind. The plan was made and after he insured all parties beside Emmeline of course would know their parts she left him to return to her quarters and get her well needed rest for the day.

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