Chapter 22

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In this way, Wing Wing also lived in Utopia. Because of Xiaoya's affairs, Sana and Iris were a little bit grumpy about Wing Wing.

    And what about wings? Look at these two orcs who are unusually attached to Xiaoya, gritted their teeth angrily, but because of Xiaoya, they can't show it, for fear that she will dislike him for being stingy.

    In fact, Xiaoya knows everything, she understands that Iris and Sana I haven't seen her for many days, and I'm very afraid of losing her. I'll feel panic when I don't see her, afraid that the wings will take her away, so she tries to keep them by her side as much as possible. She knew the anger in Feather Wing's eyes, but she just closed her eyes.

    When she has a chance, she must explain the words to the three of them. After all, they will be family members who will live together in the future.

    "Eh? Do you know where there are fish?" She was tired of eating meat or some unknown fruits every day, so Xiaoya wanted to change the food. She suddenly thought of fish and recalled the umami taste of fish. Excited.

    "I know, I'll take you there!" Sana raised her eyebrows, picked up Xiaoya and ran quickly. Iris and Feather Wing followed suit.

    Sana took Xiaoya to a small river, put Xiaoya down, turned around and smiled mysteriously at her: "Wait a minute"

    Xiaoya looked at him suspiciously, what is he going to do? Aren't you here to catch fish?

    He stood on the river table like that, and suddenly turned into a beast. It was a large python about five or six meters long, with a thick adult waist. I saw him jumping into the water and thumping a few times in the water. One by one, the fish were photographed on the shore, and when it was almost over, he flew ashore and turned into a human shape.

    Xiaoya ran over cheering, and saw water droplets rolling on Sana's bronzed skin, glistening in the sun, along the way. With that strong and sturdy shoulder sliding down, it looks very sexy! Two slender and powerful thighs stepped towards her, Xiaoya's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, her cheeks were hot, she couldn't help swallowing, and then she noticed something, scolded herself, and tried her best to look away from Sa's body and put it on the ground. on the plump fish.

    Looking at those big fish with more than a dozen of them, I picked up one and grabbed the big fish that was twisting and twisting. , She looked at Sana excitedly, "It's awesome!" Sana blushed with embarrassment, and the two who came later pouted their lips in disdain. What's so amazing...

    Let them string fish together and put them on the fire , When it was about to be cooked, Xiaoya took out the red salted fruit she brought, squeezed it open, spread the salt sauce on it, and baked it for a while, and finally it was baked. Xiaoya wrapped the big fish in the leaves. , first took a small bite, um. . It's really delicious, the meat is tender and tender, the meat is thorny and less thorny, ah! It's so delicious, it would be even better if there are seasonings...

    I looked up and saw that they were all looking at me, Xiaoya's expression became bright, they saw all the greed just now, I'm sorry He smiled, "Hehe, why are you all looking at me? You eat too." The

    three of them shook their heads amusingly when they saw Xiaoya's rare Qiong Po, Xiaoya is really cute, the three of them looked at each other, the middle of them The estrangement seems to be gone, as long as she is by her side, she will be left behind when she is unhappy.

    Xiaoya took this opportunity to put down the grilled fish and said to them with a serious face: "Here, I want to say, I know that I am the only original female here, and I also know that I cannot have only one male. Mate, but I hope that the males I have can get along well, don't make me embarrassed, after all, they are all people who live together, help each other, support each other, I really don't want to see my males kill each other , do you understand?" After speaking, he looked at the three of them.

    Iris squatted down, looked directly into Xiaoya's eyes, and said firmly: "Xiaoya, don't worry, we are all your males, and we all value you more than anything else, so what you worry about will never happen. "

    Sana also came over and squatted down and stroked her cheek, "Yi is now the male you identified, and also our partner, no one will hurt him, and we won't agree if someone hurts him, so don't worry!"

    Xiaoya smiled at them with relief, "I'm glad you think so, I think I'm very lucky to meet you."

    Feather Yi looked at them, and his heart finally let go, to have such a female partner, he felt that he was not in vain, to have such a kind, intelligent and unique Xiaoya, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

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