Chapter 30

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The weather is getting colder and colder. The animal skins that Xiaoya used to wear with bare arms and legs are no longer warm. There are many animal skins in the tribe, but they are not to her liking.

    She ran to the patriarch and picked out a fur with a little fluff. It was the fur of a white bear. It was snow-white, without any impurities. It was smooth and thin. When you touched it carefully, it was very elastic.

    She happily grabbed the white animal skin and thought, if you use it to make clothes, it will look good and it will fit very comfortably.

    So she took the animal skin to find Sana, because Iris had something to do, so she went to find Sana who was very 'free'.

    Because of Xiaoya's relationship, Sana no longer lives in the tree house, but lives more than 100 steps away from her. She entered the house and saw that he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and resting. He thought he was sick, so he quickly cared "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

    He put his little hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever.

    Sana groaned and raised her hazy eyes. When she saw Xiaoya, her eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance, she became more awake, and shook her head, "No, have you forgotten? I am a snake, the more I am The colder the more I want to sleep, it's just my nature,"

    sat up, stretched out her long arms, and hugged Xiaoya directly into her wide arms, her sexy lips pressed against her cheeks, and a charming voice sounded in her ears, "So Xiaoya Ya cares about me so much, I thought you only knew that guy Iris!"

    Hearing the sourness in his words, Xiaoya's heart overflowed with a little satisfaction, "Who said that, I also care about you very much. Who asked you to be my kissing husband?"

    "What is a husband?"

    "Hehe, a husband is the one who will always be with me"

    "Well, I am your husband!" He seemed to be holding Xiaoya tightly. some.

    He really cares about himself...

    Xiaoya doesn't know what happened to her. Since she came here, she has become more and more dissatisfied, she is afraid, she is afraid that one day they will get tired of her!

    This feeling always haunts her, so she wants them to regard her as the most precious.

    "Why are you holding the animal skin in your hand?" The man who loosened his arms and asked suspiciously.

    "Ah? Oh! I almost forgot about my business, you cut this for me, I'm going to make clothes," Xiaoya came back to her senses and handed him the animal skin.

    "Clothes? Isn't that what you're wearing?"

    Xiaoya gave him a white look, "You think I'm the same as you, and no matter how cold it is, I won't feel it, I'm very afraid of the cold!"

    "Ao..." Sana seemed to understand Nodding incomprehensibly.

    Xiaoya took the animal skin and made a few good gestures. Such a big piece can make many clothes, let Sana cut the animal skin according to her intention, then hugged the animal skin to say goodbye to him, and hurriedly ran away go out.

    Sana froze in place at first, then shook his head and laughed impatiently, and then lay back on the bed and continued to sleep.

    Xiaoya went back to her house, ground the thinnest spicules, and kneaded the thinnest and toughest grass threads. This kind of thin skin is much easier to use than other animal skins, so there is no need to worry about the spicules not penetrating.

    Because the last time I made animal skins, this time it came very smoothly. The tight pants were very simple. Xiaoya quickly made two. She did not worry about scalding them with boiling water. After all, they were worn close to the body. , Disease is the most terrifying existence, more terrifying than beasts. Besides, the medical skills here are very underdeveloped, only some simple herbs, and she does not have the physique of orcs that rarely get sick, so Xiaoya is very concerned about this. Be attentive.

    For several days, she was making good use of the huge animal skin to make clothes, small pants, long-sleeved animal skin autumn clothes, and animal skin pants, and made several more pieces for washing and wearing.

    The weather is cold, Xiaoya is pregnant now and can't go to the river to take a bath, and she also has to take a bath in winter, so she drew the shape of a wooden barrel on the ground, Genyres explained what it should look like, and he He went outside to find a very thick large wooden stake, hollowed out the middle with his sharp claws, and a simple large wooden barrel was formed.

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