Chapter 101

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Xiaoya turned her thoughts around in her head, and decided to deal with it like this first, and then find a way to escape.

    As soon as he looked up, he met two pairs of curious eyes.

    "Cough... I'm so hungry, do you have anything to eat here?" She is best at changing the subject. In fact, her stomach is really a little hungry. Can she not be hungry after a day's journey?

    "Yes! I'll take you there!" said the little mouse, seemingly very proud.

    The Rat Clan Chief just smiled and said nothing, and it seemed that he agreed to take her to eat.

    Moreover, the way it looked at Xiaoya became more and more gentle, making her so uncomfortable, she felt like she was being detected, don't look at her like that, okay?

    Xingjian jumped down from Zi's arms, grabbed Xiaoya's animal skin skirt with his little hands, raised his tender face and said, "Let's go, our house has everything! You can eat until you are full. ."

    "Really everything?"

    "Really! If you don't believe me, I'll take you to see it." As he said that, he pulled her out and pulled her out.

    Xiaoya never dared to look into Zi's eyes, so she walked out of the house just like that.

    Zi still didn't say anything, still watching them leave with a faint smile.

    He was instructed to be taken to the door of a warehouse. It didn't look small. Could it be that it was full of food?

    The underground is so humid, will it be moldy? Thinking of this, Xiaoya suddenly lost her appetite, at least she doesn't want to eat moldy things yet.

    "Why didn't you go? Go in?" Xian saw Xiaoya standing still at the door, wondering, didn't she just say that she was hungry?

    "Oh, let's go!" Xiaoya came back to her senses, and when she saw Xun looking at herself with dribbling eyes, she took a step and walked inside.

    Pushing the door open, it wasn't as wet as she had imagined, but it was dry inside with no moisture at all.

    Looking forward, you can see that there are neat rows of shelves made of wood, the shape is very simple, and each shelf is neatly placed with food.

    If it really is as the commander said, there is raw meat, a lot of various fruits, and countless seeds.

    Xiaoya stepped forward and picked up a handful of seeds to take a closer look. Huh? This is?


    His eyes moved to the seeds next to him.

    paddy? There's even soybeans!

    There are many kinds of seeds that she knows, and there are some seeds that she can't see.

    However, she guessed it must be edible food.

    She didn't know any of those fruits either. Picking up one of them, the shell was so hard that she couldn't even squeeze it, and it didn't even change its shape.

    "What is this?" He held the hard fruit and handed it to Xun's eyes.

    "This is a great fruit, it's delicious! All the fruits here were picked last year."

    "Last year? Then won't they go bad?"

    "No, this place is specially used by our rat tribe to store food. In this place, the food here is fine for a year, so we will store a lot of food in the mature season every year, and we will not go hungry in a winter." Xo Yangtou explained.

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