Chapter 1 : To make it more interesting.......

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• POV: Him

" Felix!! " he said loudly almost shouting with a smile as bright as stars .

" I'm jealous " I said with my dry and deep voice.

" well..... you shouldn't be I bet when you will smile for the first time your smile is gonna be as bright as the sun just like a sunshine " he said while engulfing me in a side hug so tight that I might just die.

" you look gay " I said knowing the one he likes is going to pass by.

" I'm gay for minho " he said unbothered as his crush just passes by .

" You know you can just tell him you like him right. I'm sure he won't reject you considering.....your......ass- Personality " I said trying my best not to stare at his abs which were revelling through the crop shirt he was wearing.

" I thought that too you know me I have a big heart and you know what else is big...... " he said looking down.

" Chan- " I was about to tell him not to say that but he cut me off saying

" My feet .... sorry what were you saying just now " he said totally unaware of the situation.

" nothing " I said turning my head from side to side indicating I said nothing.

" oh so what I was saying is that I have big feet he surely won't like me " he said looking a little gloomy now.

" Chan hyung you should try to love yoursel- " and yet again I was cut off by another student walking by who had a Crab? In his hand and the other hand held some book called love yourself.

" hi my name is Namjoon but just call me RM I saw your friend right here saying he doesn't love himself so " turns to Chan

" You are coming with me, no matter who you are where you're from your skin colour your gender identity just speak yourself- " he was yet again cut off by a guy really beautiful with a spatula? In his hands scolding him for taking the crab which they were going to cook. Well cooking was one thing but I don't understand why it's happening in a school so I tried to ask them but as soon as I Snapped out of my thoughts the spatula guy was already dragging that guy with big tidd- Heart who said nice things to chan while another guy with a neck pillow followed after them while more 4 people were following after him like ducklings,

" Chan hyung let's go to the canteen it's recess soon anyways " I said already turning around to go

" oii fElix we should go and watch minho dance he should be in the dance room right now " he said already getting excited at the fact of seeing him dance I bet he was intentionally going to play some sexy song and watch minho dance to that.

" I don't want to be a third wheel but let's just go " as we were almost running towards the dance room I saw some one in the arts room I halted my steps to take a better look at that someone who almost looked like a creature so rare and beautiful that could never be found if lost he was mesmerizing that's when my eyes went to his paintings that were laying around beautiful that's what they all had in common but I noticed how every painting was just a person smiling in different ways.

" interesting " I said turning around and sprinting from there to Chan hyung who was already standing there when I arrived.

" chan hyung close your damn mouth you look hornier than you already are " I said passing him a -why you like that look- .

" Who wouldn't be horny if The lee minho is dancing to drive right infront of them......... I wonder who wrote that song? "
He said making a -confused as fuck- face .

" you look like a creep just go and tell him but if he is heading over that table " I said pointing on a table which had tissues.

" then you need to retreat as fast as possible use that speed the god gave you for once " I said with a look that said you can do it as he just stood up and started taking tiny steps towards minho who was dancing his heart out to drive .

" will he even be able to say hi to him " i said giving him a -you aren't alone in this- look but as soon as I saw what he did my mouth went wide as if I've seen a ghost .

" how and WHEN DID THAT MF EVEN LEARN THE CHOREO OF DRIVE " I said as I just stared at them with wide eyes we always had sleep overs at each others house and never really parted ways that much then when . I saw them both dancing that's when chan slides his hands on minho's waist and the song suddenly changed to golden hour.

" That bitch he had it all planned didn't he " i said that's when i saw the most beautiful scene unfolding right infront of my eyes as chan Hyung got on one knee*

" Will you be my homie for life " chan hyung said as I face palmed .

" No, like will you be my boyfriend? " minho asked

" yes " chan hyung said

" yooooo mate " I said as to what he did while minho was still in shock By the cute little proposal and then eventually hugged each other tightly they were smiling I wasn't no matter how hard I tried to , a happy moment it was indeed then why my personality was bubbly and savage but no matter how happy some moments were I could never smile every time I tried to tears would make their way trickling down my eyes to my cheeks like it's a sin to be happy was it just me or the guilt?

• POV: Someone

" Interesting ......" be continued

Author note : how far do you like it I don't know whom I should make bottom here .help! for minchan minho is bottom but I couldn't decide for hyunlix I think maybe hyunjin should be bottom

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