Chapter 5 : To hold your hand.....

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I could feel myself levitate as soon as he smilled at me but was taken aback when he suddenly held my hand, the feeling i wore my lucky underwear today was so strong i almost checked if i was right while he kept his brush down

" wh-why " yes whatever was left was to stutter infront of a man who looked like birds dress him up in the morning

" why the stutter? " and he just had to be smart enough to catch on that

" i meant why " i asked hopefully he will end the topic

" why like? " he questioned was he really that clueless

" why...why..wh-why did you put the brush down " i hope this sounds like what he imagined i said

" to hold your hand " fuck let's end that topic

" oh-h-Oh " i set my voice just like how JYP does

" let's go the lunch time will be over if we sit around for too long" hyunjin said as he stood up

" oh that's not a problem we have free letures today anyways we all can just go to the roof top and teachers said it was okay if we wanted to stay in the canteen longer it's less work for them that way " i stood up and without saying a word hyunjin started dragging me towards the cafeteria does he even know where he's going oh right he isn't new as we were running only hyunjin as he was just dragging me we reached and our table was in the middle with bangchan waving at us for us to come and jeongin giving us a sarcastic smile a depressed jisung with his head on minho's shoulder changbin eating while no one had touched their food and a usual minho bickering with seungmin while seungmin was just looking at his phone

" why does jisung look so depressed " hyunjin asked as soon as we reached our seats

" seungmin told him about how santa claus isn't real " minho answered while glaring at seungmin

" he was bound to know that some day i just had to be the way he knew it " seungmin answered while he kept his phone aside

" let's forget about that and eat " chan said as everyone stared at changbin who had started eating ages ago

' is it delicious ? ' seungmin asked sarcastically as changbin finally looked up

" you eat and judge for yourself don't let other people decide for you,i hope you be a man of principles " changbin said

" wow changbin is really cool " hyunjin said as he dramatically clapped his hands while seungmin was just silent

" which part of my sarcasm did you not get " seungmin asked squinting his eyes in disbelief

" the whole part " jeongin said as he also squinted his eyes

" yah felix hyunjin sit down i'm hungry " jisung said as me and hyunjin sat down to see that the food was already on the table

" you.... picked up my food ? " hyunjin asked as i got confuse why was he even asking that

" yah is'nt that what friends do help each other out without even asking " jisung replied

" let's eat and hopefully talk " minho said

" i don't think changbin hyung is interested in the part after eat " seungmin said as he pointed at changbin dramatically

" i..... wanna know which type of friends you are as earlier i only got to know your name and that minho is some type of a ...sugarbaby? to a man who is probably old and rich and has a name which sounds like some cult" hyunjin said as minho turned red along with chan who was awkwardly smiling while everyone else started laughing

" old..and .rich " jisung said as he fell from his seat laughing

" sounds like cult " jeongin said while clapping his hands like seal

" yah he does'nt know stop it " i said as their laugh died down

" let me explain this as the only sane and smart one here " jeongin said as seungmin flicked his head but jeongin was unhinged

" yes, so christopher is old and rich but he is not a cult or something similar to it " jeongin said as hyunjin just squinted his eyes more

" christopher is bangchan " seungmin said as others screamed and minho slapped his arms while jisung sprayed the water in his mouth on jeongin who was infront of him

" yah you unseasoned motherfucker " jeongin blasted while he stood up he accidently elbowed changbin's nose who immediatly grabbed it while groaning in pain but soon went back to eating

" bangchan is ..christopher " hyunjin said wide eyed while felix was at a loss of words

" let's just end this topic here and.....'" chan said

" you are at a loss of words are'nt you ? " jeongin said

" yes, anyways we should just discuss the duo or trio in our groups so hyunjin will understand how we work " Chan said

" nice save dude " jeongin said showing thumbs up to chan

" yep now anyone can state any duo trio in our group for example cause my brain ain't working " jisung said" i am not sure you have one " jeongin said while looking at jisung while jisung just gave him the " why we still here , just to suffer " look

" like the duo that was made ealier changbin who is just plain stupid and hyunjin who appreciates the stupid " seungmin said while changbin slapped his arms and went back to eating

" like minho who hoes over chan and chan who just hoes over him more " jisung said " i definately hoe more than him " minho said

" for the hundered time hoeing is not a good thing " chan said

" where do you live hyunjin come to think of it we never asked that question " changbin asked who finally completed his meal

POV: Hyunjin

" where do you live hyunjin come to think of it we never asked that question " changbin asked who finally completed his meal

" i in an apartment " i said do i really have to tell them now be continued

( author : just let me know whatever it is )

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