Chapter 3 : To let the time tell..........

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: time skip

POV:no one

The seven young men and a old man( guess who )kept talking and did'nt notice students gathering up to play football however no student bothered to tell them to move if they were'nt going to play that's when a ball came straight heading for hyunjin's head minho who was standing right next to him effortlessly caugtht the the ball with one hand without even looking suprising and startling hyunjin who almost fell if it
was'nt for the freckle boy felix catching him on time

" yah can't you see you dickhead " minho said earning a smug smile

from a boy named shawn he was infamous for bullying students

everyone hated him but never stood up against him even though even
one member of straykids was enough to shut him up they never did that

cause it simply was'nt their business

" sorry could'nt see him thought he was a dustbin " the bully shawn

said as felix took the ball out of minho's hands and kicked it

as it landed straight on shawn's nose leaving him no time to even dodge

it the bully kneeled on the ground as his nose started bleeding

like hell .

" sorry could'nt see ya thought you were a wild dog trying to bite"

felix said mocking the hell out of the bully who was balling his

eyes out while his hands never left his nose

" that's why your dad never came back with the milk shawn " jeongin

added while the seven of them started laughing.

" i'm going to delete his twitter account " jisung said

" ooOoOO like your dumbass will even be able to- " jeongin's eyes

went wide as he saw jisung teasingly swinging his phone while his

tougue was so annoying he could feel it licking the remaining

brain cells out of his brain

" looks like jeongin lost something " jisung said mocking the boy

even more

" the only thing i lost is your brain you gave me to look after "

jeongin said winning yet again at the end jeongin's twitter account was safe everthing felt so dreamy cause everything was so euphoric to be true time escalated quickly when the 8 of them were together

:time skip : recess

felix was trying to find hyunjin running from class to class turns out in the middle of everthing he forgot to ask hyunjin his classes hence resulting the freckle boy to run at last he was near the art class he slammed the door open and saw hyunjin on a chair his face being painted by sunrays while his hands moved elegantly on the canvas his hair tied in a bow and his legs crossed while some paint was on his sleeves even though felix was so loud hyunjin did'nt notice his presence untill felix did a loud ultra max pro cough to catch his attention it was more like he choked on a toe but anyways hyunjin turned around and looked at the exhausted frekle boy who looked at him like he was going to eat him any moment .

" hey you wanna come in " hyunjin said and smiled at the frekle boy while felix who really wanted to return the smile just waved and came inside and sat beside hyunjin totally forgetting he needed to eat and that his friend and probably waiting for him at their usual lunch table " ummm why are you here as far as i know you don't really like stuff like this " hyunjin said tilting his head looking like a cute little ferret felix kept staring at him taking in all the small details on his face like the small mole under his eye his plump pink lips brown orbs a little long hairs and everthing that his eyes laid on was just beautiful he was just so ethernal and no one could deny that hyunjin soon noticed the little staring contest and snapped his fingers to get the lover boy out of his fantasies.

" y-yea i came here........" felix zoned out a little and this was enough for hyunjin to lose patience

" that sounds more like an question to me " hyunjin said ready to interogate the frekle boy if something was wrong with him but before he could do that felix shut him by keeping a finger on his lips which made hyunjin freeze on his spot his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink felix realised what he did almost immediatly and removed his hands

" n-nothing just wanted to ask you if you could join me and my friends for lunch "felix asked hesitating cause he thought hyunjin was just

being a nice person on the field and came with him and did'nt really like him or his friends but he felt relieve wash over him when hyunjin yet again smiled and told him that he would come with him .

End of no one POV

POV: Hyunjin ( after sports )

i was changing my clothes after returning from sports i really neede to sleep due to how tired i was of course there were classes but there was no chance i would attend them as if it was my instinct i started heading towards the art room while on my way there i remembered felix even though he never smiled he still was so bright he indeed was my happy pill not to forget the group of friends he introduced me to they were like the perfect defination of family i took my usual sit and sat but as soon as i sat down i could hear buzzing sound it was my phone as it was in my pocket i pulled it out and my face immediately lost all its colours it read

" Father ".............

" Why..............."

End ........To be continued

Word count : 1003

Author note: okay so how far do you like it pls comment on the line i made a spelling mistake or a grammar error so i can edit it out try liking it if you like it of course bye bye love ya

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