Chapter 20 : To start from a new end.......

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Pov: Felix

I used the tracker to locate Seungmin, and I saw that he was on the second floor. I hurried to the basement and took the elderly man, but I let him go.

They will undoubtedly be suspicious that a man like this was able to fool me and flee, so I collected my belongings and moved to the corner of the room, which is a camera blind spot, but if tapped three times in a specific manner, it opens a little chamber that can fit at least two men. I knew Seungmin was always on camera, so a secret hideout should be secret right?

Pov: Seungmin

I ran to the basement and opened the door in a lightening fast speed to find the old man passed out. I turned around and looked over to my camera and stepped on the leaf which was the button for his secret hideout and opened the door to find no one. Just as I expected I shouldn't doubt his abilities as a spy. I had no time to spare so I took a second look leaving to see if Jisung has woke up or not.

But it's alright even if he wakes up tomorrow; it's basically midnight right now anyway.

I entered Jisung's room to find Changbin sleeping soundly.


I slapped myself out of that haze. Jisung, who appeared to be half-dead, was next to Changbin. I approached Changbin and gently shook him to wake him up, but he grabbed my hand before I could pull it back. Almost causing me to fall. He tightened his grip on my hand and muttered some strange gibberish.

"Wake up, asshole!" I yelled, flustered by the small creature that nearly sent me flying, causing him to wake up in an alarmed state and look for his gun. I swiftly grabbed his hands before he could shoot me in panic. He's stupid enough to do that.

"Keep it down, will you?" I halted for a moment, glanced over to Jisung, who was still sleeping, and pulled Changbin to the side, making hands gestures to tell him to rest in his room.

"I can rest later; you are the one who needs it the most, so please go and lie down for at least an hour," Changbin replied, refusing to sleep in his room despite his own obvious drained out figure.

It didn't cross my mind much, but the offer to rest was so tempting to my fatigued soul that I just agreed, resting next to Jisung, who was knocked out cold.

"Changbin Hyung," I whispered quietly as my eyes began to close.

"What is it?" he asked, looking up from his phone.

"Thanks for noticing," I muttered, smiling as sleep swept over my body.

Changbin Hyung was always there for me, asking whether I was okay and encouraging me to talk. After Jeongin, he is the one who best understands me. Things that upset me, that I couldn't express out, and that never made me proud.

I wonder where that rat is now, but worry is only normal when I've seen his dizzy, clumsy steps. I hope Jeongin figures it out, but he won't find Felix, so it's all a waste again.

I shifted to my right side, where Jisung was sleeping, and immediately turned around, as the smell of cheesecakes emanating from his mouth was unbearable.

Pov: Minho

Kids these days don't know what home is; they are always outside, jerking off in the parking lots, and doing drugs so much insanity. I could never.

I looked over to my side as I watched Chan approach and attempt to sit on the kitchen counter while I prepared brownie batter.

"Too high for your ancient ass to climb," Jeongin commented, taking some water and leaving his eyes glued to his phone in his hands.

"I can jump just fine," Chan replied, finally making it on top of it.

"What are you here for-romance or to help me?" ?

"Both," Chan answered, giggling like a five-year-old.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm almost done with everything." I said, lifting the brownie mix, giving him a quick peck on the nose, and putting the mix in the oven, turning over to find him a few inches apart from me, extremely close as my back pressed against the kitchen counter behind me.

"Old ass dude, tryna rizz some milf." Jeongin stated unexpectedly, stunning Chan and me as I shoved him aside. I smiled at Jeongin as I saw the utter disgust on his face, not even trying to hide it.

"What does Seungmin and you have against me?" Chan questioned with squinting eyes, just wanting some answers for the hatred he receives.

"Nothing baldie, anyways, I'm hungry. Is dinner ready, Hyung?"

"It is; just call the others to eat; if they are sleeping, let them be; if they are busy, drag their asses down here," I remarked as Jeongin vanished from there, heading upstairs to summon the others.

"Why doesn't he like me?" Chan said, sulking.

"Well, I do," I replied, hugging him as he smiled.

"We should probably set the table, don't you think?" I stated, blinking my eyes, realizing it was almost 11:45 and the little bitches hadn't eaten anything.

"Yeah, right I'll go set the table. Chan said, sprinting to the table.

"Everything is so peaceful, it makes me doubt how long it lasts," I muttered as a wave of unease swept over me as I recollected the day's event.

"Are you not coming?" I heard Chan yell as I turned around to remove the brownie from the oven. My hands made contact with the hot baking pan as I dropped it with a bang. The mix was spilled all over the floor, and my hands started burning from the baking pan. My hands were quickly grabbed and caressed by a bigger pair of hands, which dragged me and ran cold water over them.

"Seriously, what's on your mind, jeez?" Chan said as he scolded me for being so careless and stupid.

"Damn, not the brownies," Jeongin murmured, looking at the now-crime scene.

"Chan," I called out to him, to which he just hummed, focused on my blistered hands.

"I'm worried," I said. Chan sighed and dried my hands with a towel. I gasped as it stung slightly.

"I can tell," Chan said, still not looking at me.

"Hyung, let's go. I'll get the maid to clean that up," Changbin said, having just come downstairs to eat.

Pov: Hyunjin

This day was so strange, exhilarating, nostalgic, and unexpected. I can't comprehend what happened in the span of just 12 hours. As exhaustion set me, I glanced up at the ceiling and fell asleep.

" This Day was so long yet so short ................."

End ..........To be continued.......................

Author note : uh after three months I'm back sorry for the late update and yes the long day is finally over so many chapter for one day sorry about that I like them details but now I will try to be regular my finals are over so I won't have to beat around the bush to make a longer chapter. I can't do bl I guess I am trying don't know how long I can.

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