Chapter 7 : To uncover what's hidden?....

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POV: Hyunjin

I could feel the sweaty yet cold hands of felix as soon as he grabbed my hand and started dragging me into the art room leaving me no time to grab my phone. The situation dawned on me as soon as I realized I left my phone there; if Appa calls and one of them picks up, I'm dead.

" Felix stop " as soon as I said that felix halted on his steps turning to me to hear what i had to say

" I need to get my stuff I'll be back in a second wait here " i didn't wanted to waste any more time so I just started running towards the cafeteria without hearing out felix which i know is rude but i can't do anything.

POV: Felix

NooooOoooOoooOOoOO Minho hyung is gonna kill me ,i can't even stop him what will I tell him if i manage to stop him .

" Wait !phone!, messaging,yah! that's it ! " i checked my pockets for phone only to realise i never took it while running from the cafeteria making me frustrated and mess up my hair while aggressively grabbing them.
But i started running behind hyunjin to atleast see what will happen.

POV: Hyunjin

As soon as I was inside the cafeteria i could hear them talking but the only thing i heard was Minho screaming and Chan telling him to Stop before i or any teacher comes what are they even talking about , i reached the table but they were too into the conversation that they didn't notice me.

" Guys " i said to grab their attention

POV : Third person

In the mean time felix already reached the table too. Standing behind hyunjin and continuously mumbling sorry to others but hyunjin wasn't aware of his presence yet while no one knew hyunjin was unaware of what they were talking about.

" Guys gimme my phone i need to go with felix " as soon as hyunjin said that others sighed loudly

( Wanted this Lil video here but it was in my gallery so uploaded it on YouTube for the link and when i came back from school it already had 2.1k views )

Especially jeongin who was worried he would had to explain another dumb person here .

" There take your phone" jeongin said handing him the phone as hyunjin turned around his eyes were met with felix's and got startled at the sudden appearance of felix infront of him

" Woah mate calm down " felix said and held hyunjin's shoulder while it didn't take him much time to calm down as the members made an obvious Oh~ sound.

" Don't start mating...just yet " Seungmin commented while jeongin made a disgusted face

" Let's get going" hyunjin said as he grabbed felix's hand but Chan signalled felix to stop him while felix was quick to catch that they made a decision so he doesn't have to take hyunjin somewhere else again but before he could say something to stop him he heard jeongin speak.

" Hyunjin-ah wait the teacher messaged and said not to come" jeongin said and gave hyunjin a foxy smile almost hypnotising

" Why would she message you about me she doesn't even know we are friends" hyunjin asked confused.

" She didn't, check your phone" jeongin said as hyunjin checked his phone he could see the art teacher's message telling him not to come and that she handled all the work by herself.

" Oh I guess she doesn't need help " hyunjin said putting his phone back into his pocket. Felix stood there confused for a second before he realised it's probably jisung's , jeongin's and Seungmin's work those three make the perfect trio when dealing with quite missions. jeongin must have got hyunjin's attention and jisung must have stole hyunjin's phone while Seungmin must have hacked it and probably sent that message hyunjin thinks the teacher sent .

" Hyunjin,felix while you both were gone we decided we should sleepover at our home " minho said smiling getting happy at the thought of collecting another kid

" Only if you are okay with it hyunjin" changbin asked hyunjin while the ferret was fast to reply

" Why won't i agree let's meet at 6 pm send me the address " hyunjin said

" Its 4 : 30 pm right now there's a lot of time " changbin said

" We can gather food and drinks when
We get home which will be 5 pm " Seungmin said

" Don't worry this rich guy right here will do all the spending " changbin said pointing at Chan while Chan just gave him a depressed smile not really happy at the thought of him going broke

" Guys, I need to go home early today" hyunjin said already taking his stuff .

" Why ? Not feeling good or something" felix asked keeping his hand on hyunjin's forehead

" Not to my apartment, to my parents house they need me for something" hyunjin replied while gently grabbing felix's hand and removing it from his forehead as he hurried towards the exit he didn't care if the teacher saw him. he just left with his belongings calling a cab and going straight to his parents house .

POV : Changbin

Why is he so desperate to reach home? The way he dodges questions related to his family is also concerning looking at his figure he is too skinny does he not eat well i don't think it's his normal self.the way he was so scared when his phone was here something is going on. I kept thinking until my eyes landed on jeongin who was also looking at the exit especially in a too jeongin way. ( suspicious way which is now known as jeongin way ) i ( Lee )know that he ( Lee )knows what i ( Lee )Know. He caught up on the suspicious behaviour as expected from the member of " all eyes " i just need to ask him he will definitely tell me everything he noticed

" You saw that right " i asked raising my left eyebrow at him as others looked at us confused

" How can you expect me not to catch on that " jeongin replied smugly

" What's the matter guys ? " Chan asked getting seriously concerned

End ..........To be continued.......................

Author note : ####### the message here has been removed by the author

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