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Prompt: A boy wakes up to find a little boy sitting on his bed, claiming to be his younger brother — but he never had one
Character(s): Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Scenario: As the prompt says

Roxas was a heavy sleeper, absolutely nothing could wake him up once he fell asleep. 

But tonight was different.

The blonde felt a tapping on his leg, it scared him at first. His parent's were definitely asleep in the other room, so who was in here? His eyes searched the room, there was nothing, then he rolled over. His bed was up against the wall so there shouldn't have been anyone over there, but lo and behold, there sat a shadowy figure. 

He sat up frantically and fumbled with the switch on the lamp, the light illuminated throughout the room once he managed to turn it on. Right beside him sat a person that looked too much like himself. A doppelganger? 

The two stared at each other for a solid few minutes until the doppelganger started to speak



Roxas was fully prepared to bolt out of bed if the time came, he could sleep in his parents room. Which was a little childish since he had just turned 16 that year, but who cares? He was sure his parent's wouldn't mind. 

"My name's Ventus, I'm your younger brother!"

"Younger brother? But I don't have a younger brother."

Roxas was at least 98% sure that he didn't have a brother. He was an only child after all..right? 

A knock sounded on his door, startling the both of them

"Roxas, who are you talking to?"

The blonde had no idea how to respond, his brain was terrible under pressure. His father opened the door, he was probably suspicious of his son not answering. 

He watched his fathers face twist into fear

"Roxas, get over here. Now."

He did as he was told and rushed over to his father

"I want you to go into my room and stay in there until I tell you."


Once again, he did as he was told and left the room. He met his mother in his parents room, he was about to ask what was going on when shrieks sounded from his room. He was scared. What was going to happen to that boy? Where did he even come from in the first place?

"Please! I'll be good!" 

The screaming and begging faded downstairs and eventually stopped completely, Ventus must've been moved somewhere. But where?

A few minutes later, his father came back upstairs. He had a serious look on his face, almost like he was going to yell at the blonde.

"Roxas, I want you to forget about tonight. Do you hear me?"

"Yes Sir." 

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