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I had my seat reclined as much as I could on the plane, hoping that being horizontal would help me sleep. Lissa, Christian and Adrian were near the front of the plane, giving me a bit of space to sleep. They all knew I was having issues sleeping, and Lissa all but demanded I sleep on the plane.

There was a little turbulence and I grimaced each time we hit a bump, gripping the armrest with a death grip.

A hand brushed over my forehead gently and I cracked my eyes open, finding Alberta looking down at me with a soft look.

"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Not fantastic. I'm hoping to get some sleep so I can function. Does this pass? The exhaustion?"

"It will, but you seem to be getting the symptoms earlier than most. It might be because of Spirit. Fingers cross the symptoms pass sooner too," she said as she sat in the vacant seat beside me.

"Any other symptoms?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know what the symptoms would be."

Alberta smirked. "Heartburn, constipation, gas, indigestion, breast tenderness, increase in breast size, skin darkening. You might even experience hair growth at some point. The sickness should pass by the second trimester," Alberta explained.

I shrugged. "I have had a bit of heartburn, and my boobs hurt. I have had a bit of gas," I said quietly with a grimace. Alberta nodded and stroked my head again.

"Ginger ale helps, and so do crackers when you can't eat. Try eating soft foods too, like apple sauce."

I made a face but she chuckled, moving her seat back so that she was laying next to me.

"Is it selfish that I wish my mom was here? Because I have so many questions and I don't remember them half the time," I whispered.

Alberta shook her head. "There is nothing wrong with wanting your mom, Rose. It's a normal want. This is all so uncertain and new and sudden. You want your mom because she's done this."

I nodded and licked my lips and closed my eyes, sighing to myself as I tried to get comfortable. Alberta snapped her seat back into place and whispered that she was going to talk to the pilot. I curled on my side, trying to stay warm against the air-conditioned cabin. I finally managed to fall asleep and was woken up by Christian.

"We're touching down soon," he said as he stepped out of the way of my flailing arm.

"Thanks, sparky," I grumbled as I tucked the blanket around me, pressing my face into the fabric. I opened my eyes after a moment when I remembered that I didn't have a blanket. I sat up and moved my seat into the upright position for the descent, noticing that the 'blanket' was a duster. I smiled to myself and folded it in my lap, burying my fingers between the folds to keep them warm.

Once we touched down I couldn't help but yawn and then groan as I stood up, stretching my body from its cramped position. I watched as the Moroi walked off the plane first and then handed Dimitri his duster, sighing quietly when our fingers brushed.

"You look a little better now that you've slept," Dimitri commented as he put his duster on. I nodded and rubbed my face. I felt better. It was the longest I had slept in a while.

I climbed down the steps and was happy to see familiar red hair waiting at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed while Janine spoke to Alberta. I walked towards her quickly and slipped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. Janine didn't break her stride in conversation as she hugged me back, rubbing my shoulder softly.

It was one of the first times when maternal instinct felt natural between us, and I needed it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

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