-Witches and Eldriches- Draft

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The SMP are witches and Tommy is their eldrich familiar (They don't know it yet because everyone they interact with is some sort of being that can understand Tommy).

Ft. Motherinnit as the ghost of a powerful witch who is Tommy's original witch.

They also don't know that anyone else in the SMP are witches minus Tommy who knows because he knows he is a familiar and that only witches can understand him.

Familiars can be human, that is why human trafficking existed.

Tommy isn't actually human though, he is just taking on the form of a human.

He actually has large 12 inch horns; glowing blue eyes; green, flowery vines connected to his body and wrap around his arms; long, sharp, claw-like fingers that are the colour of his skin but at the tips, fade to black; large moth wings that range in shades of brown and grey.

Tommyinnit OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now