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Idk what to do so yeah

Sal woke up to a delicious smell. 'Mmm what's that smell' sal thought as he sat up from the bed. He got up and started walking towards the door.

Travis's pov: I was ofcourse making breakfast for me and my beautiful husband. I just put eggs on a plate when I heard a door open then closed. 'HES AWAKKKKE' I thought excited for some reason. "Mornin travy what's that delicious smell" he asked me in such a cute tired voice. 'EEEEEEE HES SO CUTE WHEN HE WAKES UPPP' I thought as I walk to him with a big blush on my face. I grab his hips and pull him in kissing his face multiple times.

"Hahahaha travy stop hahahaa" he told me while hugging me. "Aw ok then" I said giving him one last kiss.

We both sat down at the table and made plates for ourselves. Then I noticed sal was somehow struggling to pick up a piece of bacon. Lol. I grabbed the plate and the fork. "Oh it's ok travy i-" "shhhhhh sh sh sh it's ok I shall make you food, love mwha" I said interrupting him then giving him a kiss.

"Th-thanks?" He says blushing 😊
We both sat down and ate our food. "W-wow travis this is really good!" I smiled and thanked him. As sal was eating I couldn't help but stare. "Travy you umm ok" sal said snapping me back into reality. "Sigh yeah I'm fine I just can't stop staring at your beautiful face" I smile even wider. Then saw a sweat drop off sals face.

Sals pov: why is he s
Just staring at me like that. "Welp thank for breakfast travy it was delicious" I say standing up and kissing travis's cheek. I walk to the sink to wash my dishes when I felt warm hands wrap around my stomach. 'So warm' I thought as I put the dish in the rack. "Salllll wanna watch a movie tonight" travis asked me. I looked at him and he was wiggling his eyebrows
"Yes tf I do" I say laughing then kissing him.


Travis: what should we watch

Sal: hmm idk let's see what there is.

              *15 minutes later*

Sal: hmmmmm yeah I can't find anything travy


Sal: travy?
           *looks behind him*

         *Travis dead ass asleep*

Sal:😶 but how?

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