note 2

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Hello fellows I see you reading my book.

So what do you think, do you like it, is it cringe, 🤔 I'm curious of what your thinking.

Well anyways this note is about the ugly author I decided to do this I don't know why tho so enjoy.

Name: austyn Coleman.
If you want and pls just call me Cole

Eye color: brown

Hair color: dark brown

Hair length: medium almost touching my butte

Height: 5'4

Sexuality: pansexual✨️ so I was confused at first until I looked up stuff and yup.

Gender: gworl I'm a girl but I wanna be a man but a girl to I d k

Loves: music, painting/drawing, sleeping, family/pets, a girl, you, and anime

Hates: fakers, cockaroaches, heart pains, loud noise, oceans, large objects like buildings, large groups of random people, rude assholes

Age: that is a secret my dude but I'm a minor try and guess tho if you want.

Sign: ♏️ yup a Scorpio and I want to go to sleep but punch the living life out of someone before I do

Lover: no..yes, I have a crush on thus beautiful kind girl but I think she only likes dudes/men tbh so I'm kinda sad 😔 😞
I like to read character x character and character x reader.

I do not  like to read smut it makes me uneasy xp

And if you have a book in mind that you would like me to write I'll definitely write it even requests 🙂🙂🤎🤎🤎🖤🖤🖤

And that is it ask me questions and I'll answer.

I'll be writing another book it's about poems like random poems sad happy random just random or memes who knows and I'll update all my books slow and know the art isn't mine (obviously) ok

Anyways bee people beeee

Just so you know I like to say bee 🐝 instead of bye so beee

Pls 👇🏻 if you press it I'll give you tea. 🍵 thank you bee

Oh and Ily and yes I reposted this pg again for no reason child

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