age change

67 0 0

No one's pov:

Sal and travis were sleeping when a portal opened infront of their bedroom door.

(Yes it's me just gon put the name cole)

Cole: here we go again ig <^^

*opens door and walks in*

Cole: why do I do this to these two??.........idgaf

(Ok people let's just say sal was 14 when he got his face yknow)

Cole: travis 13 and sal 12


*shuffle shuffle shuffle*

Cole: alright I'm out.

*leaves in portal*

(Time skip to the morning)

Travis: *stretchs and yawns

Sal: *yawns*

They both open their eyes to find kids in their bed.


sal: w-wait a minute, t-travis?

Travis: s-sal? What happened why are we kids

Sal: i-idk

Cole: yo

Both: why am I not surprised...

Cole: well yall already know 24 hours, bee

Both: *sigh*

Travis then looks at sal in shock.

Travis: wow you look alot different.

Sal: what do you mea-! M-my face isn't-

Sal stands up quickly and runs to the bathroom. He looks in the mirror about to cry.

Sal: my face is back to normal now. ;-;

Travis: you still look beautiful.

Sal: thank you travis.

Just then they heard loud pounding on their door.

Travis: wtf

Travis went and opened the door and saw larry (13) ash(3) Todd(25)

Todd: I see you guys turned to

Travis: yeah, it's all coles fault

Cole: 'that sounded mean'


larry: this is why I hate ki-

Travis ofc let them in and let Todd make them all breakfast.

They had all ate and Ash fell asleep.

Todd: we're going to the mall today do you want to come travis and sal?

Travis: sure let us get ready

Sal: yeah sure!

(15 minutes later)

Both: we're ready

Todd: good let's go now

Larry: you guys take so long

Ash: bleh

Travis: just go already lArRy

Sal: *chuckles*

Sal and Travis let Todd drive their car to the mall ofc

They all arrived at the mall and used alot of Todd's money

What they got

Sal: new nail polish, gummy worms

Travis: a metal bat for some reason, towel

Larry: sanity fall merch

Ash bracelets and necklace

Todd: batteries, computer, lighter, charger, and some clothes

All: food lol

After shopping they ofc went back home.

Sal and travis asked then if they would like to stay the night and they agreed.

(Time skip to 10:42 pm)

Travis and sal were sitting on the couch as Todd, larry and Ash were on the floor or the other side of sal and travis.

Travis: it's weird that we're kids isn't it?

Sal: yeah it is but it's nice.

Travis: yeah that's true, it is nice

Sal: it's nice that I can see myself without those scars

Travis: well ill always think your beautiful no matter what

Sal: even if I was a girl?


They both began laughing and soon fell asleep.

(Morning time)

Everyone woke up and were back to their normal age. Larry(23) ash(22) sal(21) travis(23) (sorry not sure how old they are from eachother)

Larry woke up and flushed red


(Not a ship)

Ash: wha- HOLY SHIT

Everyone started laughing then ash ran to the bathroom to put some clothes on. Todd went in the back and gave her some clothes he bought for himself

Ash and todd came back into the front.

Sal: hah I so forgot that we were all kids

Travis: me to

Larry: yeah

Todd: I did not

Ash: Nugget

Everyone but ash: wtf


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