Life is still easy

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After a long time of us writting Spanish essays, class was finally over. Miss Thorn asked me to take Ash around the orphanage and show him everything. I took him around, showing him the outside first

"This is our sports arena" I said, gesturing to an abandond parking lot no bigger than 25 meters. 

We did not talk much, I liked that. I had nothing to say.

I took him through the classrooms, mess hall, terrace where we held assembly and my favourite, The Library. 

Next I took him to our rooms, 3 people were sharing one tiny room, I shared with Amelia and Wendy. 

"You will be sharing with Craig, the boy Miss Scott was yelling at, and Bob, who is not a builder" I informed him.

"Could you maybe.. Introduce me to everyone..?" He asked 

I agreed and took him to the mess hall where everyone was having lunch.

"They are Wendy and Amelia, the two girls who share a room with me" I said pointing at a bubbly red haired girl and another girl with two long plaits.

I introduced him to the other three girls, Chole the prankster, Lux the "emo girl" and Sam the one with the cowgirl attitude. And the 7 boys, Craig the quiet kid, Bob who is terrible at building,  and the other boys from our age group like the Laurent twins.

As we grabbed our food, Lucas playfully threw a peice of food at Bob and then... Well...

"FOOD FIGHT!" Lyam and Lucas Laurent yelled chucking another piece of food at the junior's table.

Before long the whole mess hall was full of flying food and Miss Thorn, being the fun loving soul she is, did not say a word. For the first time I had ever seen, Ash cracked a smile. 

"My sister... She always played with her food" He remembered with a distant tone in his voice. 

"Come on Hart! Even Craig is in!" Zane yelled at me whilst taking cover behind a chair.

I picked up a slice of watermelon nearby and threw it. It soared through the air and made an impressive 'splat' sound as it left a trace of slush on Zane's nose. Bullseye. After a few minuets of watching the fun, Ash seemed to decide he was not missing the fun and lobbed some mashed potatoe off his spoon like a catapult which landed in Lyam's carefully gelled hair. 

The food fight continued until Miss Scott stormed in and put it to an immediate stop. I supposse it is due to the spoon-full of gravey that landed on her crist white pants... Oops. That would be me.. 

She sent us all to go clean up and as for our punishment, MORE Spanish

"It will help you get better" She replied to all our groaning 

After we cleaned the mess hall we clened upourselves and headed to the study center

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