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We flew in silence for a while. Until Snow bent her stomach, making a 'C' with her body and let out a painful screech. She roared weakly. 

"Something must have hit her stomach, I got this" Ash said quickly

"What are you-" 

But Ash did not let my complete, he pulled out a rope from his bag ang quickly tied it to Snow's scales and tied the other end around his waist, then, carefully made his way to the edge of Snow's back. 

"Don't do anythign stupid, please" He said, grinning like whatever he was doing was not suicide. 

"Ash, don't do this-"

"I've done it beofre, I just have to talk to her, don't worry princess" He yelled before jumping off Snow's squirming back. 

Did he just... Ugh. I am going to kill him. This idiot. 

A few minutes passed, and I began to get worried. But whatever Ash had said to Snow must have worked, because her body was smoother and her whines had gone down. 

Finallay, after what seemed like ages, The rope began to losen as Ash climed backup. Finally he came into view. His face pale. 

"We need to land, get Snow rest, get out of the sky, hide, whatever. Snow's taken 2 arrows to the stomach. We need to get her help. I know a bit abotu healing, I could do soemthing on land." 

He made his way to me, picked up a cloth and wiped the dark blood off his hands. He must have seen the fear and worry on my face.

"Don't worry, its just the sky elves. Evil creatures. Not everyone is like this. And Snow will be fine. She's a strong girl. Just gave birth actully. Beautiful son.... Alastor." He smiled softly. 

In a few minutes, you were back ground, and Ash quickly began scrambling around, looking for stuff in his bag. As for me, I just tried to stay out of the way. 

Until Ash motioned be to come over. 

"Princess, I'm going to need you to talk to her while I get the arrows out, just calm her dog, pretend- pretend she's Rex" She tells me.

I walk over to the dragon's neck. 

"Hey girl" I say softly, slowly aproaching her. "Ash is going to help you... You will be fine" I mustered the strongest smile I could. "I heard you had a son, Alastor?" I asked her

She whined longingly. "Shhhh" I whisper to her, strocking the white mark on her forehead. "I know it hurts... I know. But you can get through this..." I say, in the most soothign voice I can

"Nora, I'm going to pull the arrows out now, just warn her, this might hurt" Ash calls

"Snow... Ash is going to pull out the arrow. It might hurt, okay?" I look into her brown eyes, much like Rex's. I hold her head as Ash pulls out the first arrow, the pain making her thrash around and squeal in pain.

"Shhhhhhhhhh" I say softly, "We are going to do that again, but then its over" 

Again,I hold her head as Ash pulls out the second arrow. This time she thrashed more, her tail slamming against a tree and causing her to squeal even more.  

"Hushhh" I tell her slowly. 

"Nora! You need to calm her down, please!" Ash calls out.

I try to think of a way, then it hits me. Music. The universal language. 

I begin to sing her a song. I first sing her 'Train Wrech' by James Arthur, then a few more like 'Let me down slowly' by Alec Benjamin and 'Arcane' by Duncan Lawrence. 

The music seems to work. She groans softly as Ash does his work. Her tail comes to a rest and the forest goes deathly quiet. All that can be heard is my singing. I feel concious. My voice isn't even that great... How did that work?

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