The truth

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"You probably think we are crazy." Miss Thorn began. 

"You can say that again" I muttered, but i let her go on.

"Well. Nora, do you remember anything about your life before the orphanage?" Miss Thorn asked in a way that I very well understood that she knew the answer.

"No... I don't remember a thing. And each time I asked you, the question was avoided" I recalled.

It was true. I had tried in vain to find about about why I landed up at the orphange, and why nobody had adpted me yet. The latter being a more puzzling questionn as almost every parent who had come to meet us had 'seen something' in me. But I was still never adopted.

"Yes. You see, I am responsible. I could not let you remember your past as it would affect the challenges before you to appear harder."Miss Thorn forged on.

"Challenges?" I asked.

Ash sat beside me. Apparently realised it wasnot going to be quick talk.

And then it came pouring out. The truth.

"Your parents are not dead. Nora. They are very much alive and the queens of Arcane, your birthplace. Arcane a an island beyond the knowledge of humans. It is hidden by something we call engima. It changes what humans see and trick them into forgetting every magical incident they have ever witnessed. It is how we protect Arcane from being revealed to the human world."

"The island itself iswhere your new home will be, as decided by your parents. They beleive that at the age of 16 you will be introduced to your true world and people."

"How did you manage to hid this.. this secrect?" I pondered 

"The engima helped twist your mind into beleiving the life you have 'lived'" Miss Thorn replied. "To put it into simple words, after the age of 5 your memory has been taken and stored in Arcane with magic and you have been beleiving whatever lies are being told to you." 

"My whole. Entire. LIFE?!" I yelled.

I could not hold it back. This was riddiculous. I did not beelive a word. Magic? Engima? My... parents? Mysetry island? This all sounded like a story. And the worst part was that my 16th birthday was a week from now. 

"Don't worry, your memories would have been given back to you in a week's time, your 16th birthday. That was when we planned on telling you the truth. But the enemy has other ideas....

"What, are you going to tell me dragons exist next?" I said sharply

"Actually, yes... Dragons are common among warriors, each warrior picks a dragon on the 7th moon after their 16th birthday. In the meanwhile, we will have to get you trainign and accustomed to Arcane ways." 

At this point, any normal person would probably take their word for it especially after the giant earthquake. But, me being the not normal person I am, got up. And ran away. 

Call me a coward, but I just could not take it. One of the people I had grown up with had died in an earthquake, so many of my friends were injured. The person I had tried to make friends with had turned out to be from a place called Arcane and wanted to take me there. The reality crashed down on me. 

I ran hard, as far as I could. I had no idea where I was going. I just wanted to get away from there. 

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