I try to beleive

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After about 5 minutes of running, I reach another clearing. I take a few deep breaths. Something that helps me calm down. I pull out the one thing I had time to grab when the building collapsed. My MP3 that I got for my 7th birthday after Miss. Thorn realised that music was the only thing that calmed me down. I pushed my earphones into my ears and sat down in the grass. The series of BTS songs I had dowloaded flooded my brain as I simply felt the music. Some soft songs making me want to cry, others lound at energetic, making me want to dance along. Somehow music always help me calm myself. Art too. But music has always been my safe spot. Where I feel other artists, listen to their voices and listen to them put my feelings into words. I can never express how wonderfull it is for me to sit down after a long day. 

I wanted to enjoy this moment, beacause if Miss Thorn was right, this could very well be the last day of me enjoying life normally. For a while, I just sat there. Taking in the view. I rarely had gone into the woods. I had always been afraid of the dark. I scared me. Who knew what was in there. 

I don't know how long I had sat there, but Ash found me after a while. He was panting so I guessed he had been looking for long. He did not say anything. He just sat beside me, lettign me enjoy the music. After a few miutes of this silence. I paused my music. 

"Is it all true?" I asked him "The stuff about Arcadia, everything.." 

"Yes.. its a ll true, but its wonderfull" He replied "It takes a while getting used to, but once you do, it just..."

A pause.

"It just feels like home" He finished, a distant look in his eyes. 

This time. This time I sort of beleived it. I hardly knew him, but for some reason I could tell he was not lying. Maybe it was the way he said it, i dont know. But it sounded like he genuenlly cared about whatever 'wondefull' stuff was there. 

Ash broke my line of thought by puling out a chain from under his shirt. He took it off his neck and showed it to me. 

"This is what each Arcane child gets when they manifest their magic at 16 and 7 moons" He tells me.

"I got mine a month ago. Everybody gets a different colour, there are 7, yellow to black" He tells me "Yellow, pink, orange, green, blue, white, red and black. Each of them have different traits with them". 

"Does everyone get one based on the colour of their power?" 

"Yea, I got red. It stands for resilliance, courage and bravery, most warriors are from red. We call it Rexus. Each house has a name name, you will have to learn them and what each colour stands for." 

"It seems I have my work cut out for me.." I said softly

"Wait, you will come?" Ash askes with more enthusiasm than I thoguht he would show

"Well, if you are right abotu allt his, then yes.. I will come. I want to see this Aradia for myself" I replied. "When do we leave?"

"I thoguht you'd never ask!" Ash replies, getting up

He leads me back to the camp site

"How do you remember your way?" I ask him, gripping his hand tightly

"Well, Rexus are also trained for navigation in the wild. Its because Arcadia has a lot of forests and vast lands. Its queit risky to be a warrior without having a sense of direction" He says this like he has recited this before, with a distant look in his eyes.

He leads me back to camp. But on the way he stops abruptly. 

"Are afraid of the dark?" He askes

I freeze. How did he know? 

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