I screw things up royaly. no surprises

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Finally, after 7 songs, Ash is done. But he does not say anything, so I don't notice. I just keep singing to Snow. I sing sad songs, expressing my emotions through these artist's work. Finally, after about 10 songs. I stop. Snow is asleep and only then do I realise Ash is done and had been listning to me.

"Your face is red princess" He chuckles at my realisation of him having heard me sing

"Stop calling me that" I mumble. Too embarrassed to say anything else

"Sure princess" He laughs as he gets up and sits beside me.

I sigh.

"Forget you heard me sing. Please" I say quietly.

"What? Why?" Ash asks

"Just- Please forget"

"But that was so good!

"I said. Forget. It." My voice low and harsher than I meant for it to be. I did not want to be that way, but Ash did not understand. "You just don't understand... You never would" I said, my voice close to breaking.

Ash falls silent. And gets up and moves to his bag, pulls out two sandwhiches and throws one to me. I catching it in the air and quietly thank him.

We both ate in silence. Finally, I pull out my MP3 and switch on some music. I close my eyes and let the music consume me. I softly hum "Euphoria" by Jungkook and watch Ash fall asleep against a rough bark.

I smile and go wrap his jacket around his sleeping body. Then I go walk around for abit, but I don't go too far. I don't want to get lost in the woods. Even in broad daylight, the trees blocked out most of the sunlight.

I sit beside Ash and try to calm myself. I am going to be fine. Snow will be fine and Ash knows his stuff. I will be fine...

After a while, I see someone dart past a few bushes beside me. I quickly stand up. But before I can do anything, rough hands grab me from behind and something rotten is broght up to my nose before i can make a sound. Everything slowly begins to fade to black. And I am out cold. 

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