The queen's son

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Queen Ara Hart. My mother. 

I didn't feel real. None of this did. After seven years of being an orphan, I was going meet my mother, her wife and step-son. I culdn't help but feel a pang of envy when I thought of my apparant step-brother. 

He had probably never asked what his mother's name was. He had probably grown up with the picture perfect royal family. With mothers who didn't take away his memory. 

I tried to push these thoughts away from my mind and felt ashamed of myself. There was probably a reason I was sent away. How could I feel hatred towards someone who I hadn't even met?

Meanwhile, I had not realised, but Ash and I had climbed up one of the winding staircases and walked across the balcony and reached the grandest set of doors I had ever laid my eyes on. It had detailed floral patterns and creature envraved into the naturlaly dark wood, tinted in wood. The two gaurds at each side of the door bowed to me and nodded at Ash and pushed the huge doors forward, reavealing a grand throne room. 

The giant hall had balconied high above and a gold lined carpet running from the doors to the thrones. A huge chandelier hung in the centre of the room, its crystals chiming ever so softly. Plush armchairs were lined on which people sat up, scrolls in hand, whispering to eachother. Flowers hung from the ceiling. and to one side was a group on women, each with their own instrument as their magical melodies filled the air.

The thrones sat upon a stage-like platform. There were two thrones in the center and two smaller ones on each side. Each stone studded with jewls and gems, the giant windows behind making them shine even more. The scene was magical. Upon one of the smaller thrones, a young dark skinned boy with chin length dreadlocks sat. He looked a little oldr than I was, maybe about 19 or 20. He wore an unreadable expression on his face, so I couldn't tell how he felt upon seeing me. He must be my step-brother, and I didn't even know his name.

Beside me, Ash got on his knee and bowed down on the boy, and I followed, but was immediatly pulled back by Ash. 

"Royals only bow, they don't kneel" He hissed.


But the boy on the throne's blanck, unreadable expression had turned into one of ammusment. But only for a moment, so I almost missed it. 


@froggie_smiles thanks you for reading :)

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