The Nightmare Begins- For Real This Time... Pt1

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"GIR! We're here! We're finally HERE!"

"Doom, doom, doooooooom…. THE END- Ooh! Wazzat?"

The Irken Invader Zim, now revitalized despite a 6 month long trip through endless space with his annoying sir unit, sat up straight in his Voot Cruiser control seat. His mouth wide with a grin and his gloved hands hovering over the glowing dashboard with a tantalizing glint in his eyes. An image of the planet coming into view is shown on the small screen by his left palm and its name could be read beside it in a language you couldn't understand.

"Planet Urth! This must be the place, I mean, looks pretty invade…able from here! We have to hurry and set up a base of operations..!"

Gir- Zim's specialized sir unit personally given to him by his tallests, let out a short maniacal giggle and rolled on top of Zims lap.

"EHHHhh heeheehee! Masta looks funny- WHYZA EVERYTHINGS UPSIDE DOWN…"

Zim picked up the sir unit by its head and casually moved it away, eyes still hyper fixated and narrowed at the doomed planet.

"FOCUS GIR! This is going to be where your SUPERIOR advanced information gathering skills should come in handy!"

GIR stared blankly at the alien and tilted his head sharply, after a moment his eyes turned red as a signal of attentiveness and his body straightened into a salute.

"Oh yyyyeeeeaaaahhhh… YES. MY MASTER!"

Gir then shot off the Irken Invaders lap to the window, seemingly to do what's asked of him, but after slamming face first into the window and lying on the floor giggling, eyes blue once again, it was clear that Zim's trust may be in vain.

Zim glanced back at the sounds of metal banging on glass and ignored the obvious signs of incompetence in favor of charting a landing point for the Voot Cruiser, the ship itself now beginning to breach the planets atmosphere.

"YOUR job is to observe what these… Urth things consider to be… Normal. Then, once that's over we use that data to create our base and disguises!... Are you even paying attention GIR?"


"Sigh. Your so streamlined that some may even call you stupid… But I know better of course…"

The loud sound of his engines igniting the new polluted oxygen created a pungent trail of smoke behind them as they continued on, Zim even taking an extra detour so GIR could soak up ALL those precious observations.

After all, it would be sorta humiliating to be outed on the first day.

GIR seemed to grow dizzy as his head went back and forth and back and forth trying to look at every little thing passing by below them. A dog. A cat. A squirrel. A raccoon. A few bums here and there. The little robot was making an attempt at the very least, and with every sight seen, it would pop up on the computer dashboard screen.

Suddenly, the Cruiser stopped abruptly, causing the little robot to fly into the front windshield and Zim to bump his head on the screen in front of him. Unfazed, he rubs his cranium.

"Ahah! Here! We shall set up camp here!"

In the crevice between two houses, did the Cruiser then land, bringing forth an unreasonable amount of dust into the air, though perhaps this was on purpose for in a few seconds Zim could be seen emerging from the dust dramatically.

"Huh. That was far… Eeeeeaaaasier than I anticipated… GIR! TELL ME! What is it you have learned?!"


The defective SIR unit lifted itself off the ground whilst screaming, seeing as its entrance was far less graceful and mostly had to do with falling off the ship. Zim sent him a puzzled look, but the little robot was in its own little world.

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now