Bestest Friend- Keef who?... Pt2

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“Well… now what?”

Zim and the boy could now be seen standing awkwardly in front of the school, many kids already having gone home, leaving only the boy with the big head and the disguised alien invader under the overhang. But Zim didn't let the awkward silence bother him, though that might just be because social hints are not his forte. Good thing it wasn't the boy’s either. Zim had to get down to business, and with a stiff step whisking around to face the boy, he crossed his arms behind his back.

“Alright human filth! First thing that a human friend must do to commence the friendship activities is… Introduce themselves. I will start. I am the AMAAAZING ZIM!!! Probably adored by mY leADERS!!! The BANE of my enemieeeeesss! THE WORLD SHALL TREMBLE ONCE I PROO-...”

A blank stare was all it took for Zim to collect himself again and a little bit of sweat dripped down the side of his skin colored hologram forehead.

“Er- I mean- I am the perfectly normal HUMAN Zim. Yesss. Zim Ravined… That's me…”

The boy glanced around nervously, fiddling with the hem of his coat sleeves. It seems the weird awkwardness was contagious and Zim found himself wishing the silence was alive so he could blast it to death with his pak’s weaponry. But, yet again, he wouldn’t let a stupid awkardy-ness stop him from enacting his plan.

“WEll? Tell Zim your name!!! Zim COMMANDS YOU!”

The boy frowned a little bit, baffled at the fact that the boy who INSISTED they be friends didn't even remember what his name was. Either that, or he was just being extremely weird and literal. Still, this is the only time that anyone has expressed interest in being the boy’s friend and doesn't think he’s crazy. So, the boy decided to ignore his investigation instincts and went along with it anyway.

“Alright then. My name is Dib… Dib Membrane. I am… A human too? I guess?”

Zims barely edging on malicious wide grin seemed to peel onto his face like a sticker, and his fingers aligned with the others, doing the classic ‘plan is going well’ villain hand rub. The boy, or Dib rather, found himself no longer being surprised, as Zim had already had a reputation for being extremely weird. Not possibly ALIEN weird, but just weird. Though that might just be Dib. Zim seemed to look at his wrist for a few seconds before facing the big headed Dib once more.

“EXCELLENT! Now that we have finished with the INTRODUCINGS, It is time to share our… FAVORITE COLORS!”

“Are you… Reading that off a cheat sheet?”

Dib, deciding to point at the now revealed, but poorly hidden piece of paper with written steps on it, plastered across Zims wrist. Of course, Zim couldn't let the suspicious Dib human hop onto his trail- So he decided to use the second best act of hiding invader identities. Changing the subject and winging it. He crumpled the paper up and tossed it behind his back, causing it to bounce into a trashcan and immediately burst aflame. After a few seconds, Zim started to walk away quickly.

“You know what- Zim changed his mind, color opinion doesn't matter, Gamboge is CLEARLY the superior color anyways! We should do something- Ick- friends do!”

Dib blinked a few times before running over to Zim, who was now strutting stiffly forward, all while Dib finally started to match his pace. Even so, the trench coat wearing enthusiast was at a loss at Zims request/demand.

“Friend things… Gamboge… What do you have in mind, Zim?”

“Zim isn't the expert here!- You live on this garbage plan- CITY. Garbage City. You can decide the friendship thingies we embark on. I INSIST…”

With Zims final snippy “insistence” of Dib choosing what to do- ‘Hahahaha- What he doesn't know is that Zim is TRICKING him into showing Zim what to do!’- Dib can be seen placing a hand on his enormous head, and thinking for a moment as they walked the sidewalks. In case you didn't know, Dib was a recluse. He didn't know how to make friends, let alone keep them! He was far better in academics, or studying the paranormal, or daydreaming about fantastic imaginary adventures…

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat