NanoZIM- No anatomy just robot clones, More Like NanoJim... Pt2

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*One week later…*

“- And that's why the deceased human beast Queen Elizabeth the 2nd is my largest HUMAN role model. She was able to drive her ‘car’ without a government prescribed license just like me- Albeit in a vastly inferior earth vehicle. She also was a RUTHLESS RULER beloved by many of her inferiors. So that is why I admire her. I AM NORMAL! Thank you for your time.”

Slow awkward clapping could be heard as the raven hair colored robot stood at the front of the classroom, grinning widely as he waved with both arms as if basking in their appreciation. All the while, the project's poster board behind him was showing a very crude crayon drawing of the deceased queen herself, as well as little notes written on sticky notes littering the board.

You could tell it was NanoZim presenting because his eyes clicked and flashed red slightly, smile twitching as he scanned the room from his perspective- As well as internally jotting down everyone's current weaknesses in his database for- You know- Later. After doing so, he quickly turned to face the teachers desk, where Mrs Bitters in the flesh emerged from the shadows.

“So human teaching drone. What is my score?”

“You get an C+ Zim. It was less terrible than what I was expecting of you, but the instructions SPECIFICALLY stated it must be someone that ACTUALLY exists...”

“She exists in our HEARTS…”

“Make that a D for back talking. Go back to your seat, Zim. Go back to your seat and SULK.”


After the clapping died down and NanoZim strutted back to his seat with a few sparks flying from his limbs, took his seat in front of Zita. (He remembered-) Miss Bitters pressed a button with a grumble, shutting off the lights for a few seconds before completely incinerating the project- An opening in the floor unleashing an inferno of fire to turn whatever was there into ash. After that was done and over with, she finally took her place in the center of the classroom, lights once again flickering on just as they were supposed to, but NanoZim watched on with minimal interest. After all, a REAL invader would not pay ATTENTION to such useless driveling nonsense out of lower life forms.

He was supposed to act like Zim after all, and he figured that's just what a Zim would do.

“- All grades are irreversible yadda yadda yadda not that it matters because all of you will amount to nothing anyway. Let this project be a lesson to you all- Admiration means nothing and anything you do is just an excuse for pathetic children to read about in history books. Doomed to live a life in an eternal consumer loop. Consume. Consume. CONSUME.”

As Bitters began to go on a tangent on the topic of media consumption and how humankind was slowly being corrupted by larger forces- NanoZim let out a huff, metallic fingers tapping on his wooden desk nonchalantly. He couldn’t wait for this stupid skooling to be over. Being around all these FILTHY living life forms was starting to give him a robotic aneurysm, and that wasn't just because of the fact that they all were so disgustingly deformed. Oh no, it was just everything about a living person's functions that made him wish he were anywhere else. The noises they involuntarily made- Snapping, chewing, cracking, beating, squelching, releasing gas from their bodies. It was becoming increasingly clear to him. Everything just made the robot SICK and ANGRY.

But he wasn't JUST angry with the humans and their disgusting life functions… There were… Other things on his mind…

Like the newfound BURNING hatred he now held for his creator. He may only be about a week old, but the yearning for revenge was nothing new…


“Hey Zim!”

A pair of hands could be seen planting themselves in front of NanoZim on either side of his desk, robotic eyes clicking upwards to see his so-called human friend Dib Membrane. Normally an abrupt greeting such as this would cause Zim to startle, but not NanoZim. Oh no, his sensors sensed the boy coming even before the child had fully got up from his chair. Even so, NanoZim quickly flashed a small interested smile in the kid's direction, who in turn began to ramble on whilst NanoZim began to pack up his skool things.

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now