NanoZIM- No anatomy just robot clones, More Like NanoJim... Pt1

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There is the shrill sound of a bird screeching irritably as a skool bell rings, signaling the end of a passing period and time for classes to begin. But while the sun begins to rise over the reddish horizon, a dark figure emerges from the shadows behind the skool, lurching in on itself like some kind of phantom. It's long dark colored dress only barely touches the ground with wisps of dark smoke, and where it's face would be, perched a pair of thick glasses, sitting atop a gnarled sloping nose. Fresh out of a horror movie this one.

It slowly slithered its way inside the building, it's long weaving shadow form creating a hissing sound as it made its way to its destination, a classroom in particular, that just so happened to be running rampant with unsupervised children. Slowly, after entering the classroom, the figure, Mrs Bitters, began to rise into a more solid form. The sound of childrens distant screams pairing her arrival.

Meanwhile, the children of her class were going bananas. Children were swinging off the lights, hopping on desks, and a few skittering across the walls like roaches. A select few of course, had chosen to remain seated, perhaps just to talk amongst themselves or to simply not associate themselves with the other children. Zim was one of those who chose to remain in his seat, his digital blue eyes surveying the room that had devolved into chaos earlier that morning. His eyes, while they scanned the room, just so happened to meet Dib’s, yet another child who chose to stay seated in the chaos. Also his only friend, but that's a known fact at this point.
Dib met Zim’s gaze, and for a second he seemed surprised, before grinning cheekily and sending a little eager wave in his direction. Zim, being secretly an alien and very new to human customs, waved back awkwardly, his hologram disguise carefully blank and emotionless.

But ignoring all this, we focus once again on the newly arrived Mrs Bitters, who cleared her throat at the front of the room, causing any and all things to freeze mid air or mid jump. In a blink, perhaps even quicker than it took a heart to beat, all the children were back in their seats as if nothing at all happened.

“Attention snot bags and money leechers…”

Mrs Bitters began, her voice like gravel and her glasses flashing with an unknown light. All eyes were on her- Aside from the few children sleeping in class or zoning out- As the much older woman reached over to grab a piece of chalk and write the topic on the chalkboard.

“Due to the INSISTENCE of the skool board and parent complaints about more ‘hands on’ activities for you hopeless future shmuks in society, you all are now required to create a project based on somebody you look up to. Not that it matters because either way they're going to perish…”

“A skool project? Blasphemy.”

Zim muttered to himself under his breath as the older woman began to hunch her way through the room, passing out a yellowed paper to each of them, the words ‘WHO I LUUK UP 2’ in bold red ink. The alien in disguise frowned while squinting at the paper, images of his tallest glaring down at him formed in his mind, before snapping out of it and glancing back upwards to face the ‘human’ teacher.

“-You will be presenting your projects in front of everyone at the end of the week, as well as being graded on how well you present it and whether or not it is absolute garbage. If you fail to comply with the requirements of this assignment or refuse to participate…”

Suddenly, Mrs Bitters appears in front of Zim, narrowing her gaze fully on him and her unnatural closeness startled the invader, causing him to squeak- Though he would never admit to it.

“You will fail and there will be CONSEQUENCES.”

Whipping back to face the class once more, and leaving the alien invader blinking slowly in his seat, the sour teacher slithered behind her desk, one final glare freezing the class.

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now