The Nightmare Begins- For Real This Time... Part 2

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“Class… I would like to introduce to you all the newest, hopeless appendages to the student body… His name is… Zim… Zim Ravined- Weird name.”

Zim tried not to shift where he stood, after all, there was something about standing in front of the enemy all exposed and stuff that made him want to explode something. Also, he was pretty proud of the last name he thought of- Why last names were a thing he didn't know- Ravined, which was another arrangement of his title “Invader.” He thought it was clever, not weird. The strange slithery teacher woman didn't know what she was talking about.

“Zim, If you have something, anything to say, speak now, because after this moment, I don't want to hear another peep from out of you…”

The old woman hissed before practically appearing back at her desk, surprising Zim how fast she was, but also not phasing him because he was Zim and he was awesome. Looking out over a sea of bored looking smee- Human children, he couldn't help but notice how incredibly defenseless they looked. All slumped over their desks, drooling like the filthy mammals they were. They didn't even have any weapons on them to protect their fragile flesh bodys from harm! This was going to be laughable… So long as they don't find him out first…

Time for a first impression.

“Hello friends! I am a perfectly normal human worm baby, just like all of you!”

Zim paused, as a kid with a somewhat large head, glasses, and large brown eyes, tilted his head upwards, eyes squinting suspiciously. What? A human is already suspicious! Did humans not refer to themselves as humans? Zim had to fix this minor inconvenience.

“-Er- Um, You have nothing to fear of me! Sorry, I can’t english language very well, cause you know, I'm not an English person! If you all pay no attention to me, we will get along fine!”

This seemed to satisfy the young big headed boy, only slightly, as he dropped his obviously heavy head back onto his desk, but his eyes still trained on him. Still suspicious, but not so much as before. Mrs Bitters growled from where she sat (Hovered? Stood? Nobody knew.) as Zim turned sharply to face the teacher. The old witchy woman tapped her sharp fingers on the desk.

“If that's all, go ahead and take your seat now Zim…”

Ok. See! Now all Zim must do is collect info super subtly now! After taking his seat by the door, which his new teacher had pointed at to begin with, he intertwined his fingers and surveyed the room, before staring intently at the now standing at the blackboard teacher.

“Today's lecture is… About space… And how eventually everything as you know it will cease to exist while earth spins out of orbit and the universe implodes on itself…”

Still staring intently, Zim raised both arms in the air. That's what you were supposed to do when you have a question right? Raise your hands? That's what the human internet said. Mrs Bitters squinted even harder at the young boy, chalk scraping against the board.

“Ye-e-es, Zimmm? What is it- Spit it out.”

“Say um, Earth was under… galactic threat or something- How good defenses do you say this place has?…”

The teacher stared at him for a few moments, Zim staring back ever so innocently, and again, the big headed boy's head was raised once more, while everyone else stayed nonresponsive and uninterested. The teacher faced the board again.

“...As I was saying, the universe is doomed. Just doomed. Doomed doomed doomed…”

Zim began to grow bored as the woman continued to repeat the word doomed over and over, not even a large bug crawling across her face stopped her in her spiel. As for the rest of the students, they found this the perfect opportunity to come alive again and erupt with chatter. Zim found this unnerving, seeing as he just got used to the idea that the students would be brain dead zombies the whole time, except for that one glasses kid of course.

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now