Parent Teacher Night- Curses and Calls... Pt 2

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This was fine. All was going according to plan, and after today, NOBODY will EVER deny the normallness of the most normal human to ever normal- Invader Zim! Or wait, Zim Ravined rather. Minor slip up, he’s still getting the hang of this whole… LAST NAME business. He didn't quite see the appeal. Just don't have the same name as someone- It's really just that simple!

But, oh well. At least the one he made up actually MEANS something…

Zim felt as if he had the confidence of a thousand snarl beasts, and marched with the same purpose and grace as a distinguished elite Invader. As he should of course. Trailing behind him was a pair of screens, one with a female similar looking to that of the mother robot that came with the house- Except much more human looking. The same could be said for the other screen, except it being the father robot. Both the screens were that of the ones he ordered previously, the bundle of wires connecting the bulging hover screens and therefore strapping them to their respective singular squeaky wheels down below.

It was obvious that both parents on screen were computer animated, and it was clear that it was a very whipped together thing- But with a bit of static overlays and a few response programming fixtures, it was EASILY more convincing a disguise than the robot parent's current selves.

Now to see how they fared in the midst of the bustling crowd of parental units- Filling the Skools cafeteria, which had been removed of all its FILTHY tables for the time being. The close proximity made Zim itchy, which he acted upon accordingly by cringing away from the lower lifeforms and scratching his hologram-covered skin every now and then.

“The sooner we get this filthy OCcasion over with, the better. I do not know how long I will last in this… This HORDE of IMBECILES…”

“Oh hellooooo!!! You must be the Ravined family! Hiiii! My son has said a lot of things about your boy, like him being green and foreign and stuff…”

The first obstacle! Zim is distracted from his muttering in favor of looking upwards with big pretend blue eyes, sweat now beginning to appear on his forehead while the larger woman with red hair approached the false parents. The woman was ugly, that was for sure. Her red lipstick spread unevenly and her sloping head was shaped weirdly with lumps and bumps. Not to mention her terrible fashion sense, in which she wore a long yellow floral print dress that was obviously too tight for her particularly blocky figure.

The woman(?) gestured over to a nearby kid with shaggy orange hair and squinty eyes, just as sloping a forehead as his presumed mother.

“Say HIIII Georgiiieeee!!!”

“Ggghhh… Mom, you're so embarrassing…”

The child did not respond immediately, only turning away while crossing his pudgy arms- Clearly embarrassed. Zim did not forget to take note of this, before turning upwards to gaze at the floating screens. How will the programs respond? It was a precarious situation he was in, inside the belly of the beast you could say.

After a few seconds of silence, there was a small unheard chime in the floating screen to the left, that one displaying the mom program. Her slightly accented voice sounded sorta scratchy, much like how one would sound on the other side of a walkie talkie.

“Dawwww, You raised that child so well! Children truly are the light of our world.”

Zim’s head turned swiftly to the right, where the Robo Dad decided to hop in as well, the screen zipping closer next to the Robo Moms just as a father would had they been there in real life.

“I couldn't agree more! You just HAVE to tell us how you did it! We are parents and parents share TIIIIPS!”

“Oh. Well… I mean…”

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now