Dark Harvest- Organs are Overrated, I Just Wanna Play Games... Pt 1

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“HEY! Watch where you're throwing!!!”

“I'm not even playing!”

“Owwww! That really hurt! I think you broke a bone…”

“Ugh my stomach…”


Zim let out another loud maniacal laugh as he continued to throw one red rubber ball after another, hitting any moving thing in sight- Whether they were playing the game or not- With a giant grin on his face- All while staying perched on a crummy picnic table…

“COWER IN FEAR AT THE SIGHT OF ZIII- Oo-oof! GAH! My squeedilyspooch!!!”

The alien in disguise was quickly shut up as he almost comically toppled off the table and onto the ground, clutching his spooch with a very loud groan of pain- It would seem that a few of the skool children had enough of his weird kid attitude for the day and took it upon themselves to pelt him HARD with the dodgeballs he had initially threw. Torque- The class meathead, was the one who managed to make the winning shot- The ball reaching near lightspeed as it collided with Zims abdominal area.

“I have- *Cough* fallen… Egh… Aaaaavengggggggeee meeeeee…”

A long drawn out wheeze could be heard from the alien in disguise, who now began to spasm on the ground in a fetal position- As the rest of the skool children went on with their normal paying activities. This includes the sibling pair not so far away, who seemed to be sitting on a small bench while watching the chaos unfold.

“Hey Gaz- What do you think squeedilyspooch means? Is it a different word for organs or something?”

The trenchcoat wearing child seemed to ponder this though aloud, obviously toward his distant younger sister with purple hair- Who in response to his minor question didn't seem to react visually.

“Maybe it means you're a weirdo Dib.”

“Har har. Very funny.”

“I wasn't joking.”

“It was SARCASM Gaz- I thought you knew that…”

Finally a reaction on the younger girl's part, Gaz took the time to roll her eyes in response to her older brother's retort- Before immediately delving her nose back into her handheld gaming device- A different one from before due to the… PUNCH incident last chapter… But it would suffice… For now. After all, the only sucky thing about it was that the volume button was very finicky- Not that it totally bothered her, sound effects added to the immersion…

Enough about that.

Dib seemed to shake his head to shoo away the conversation in favor of tapping his foot on the ground with impatience, his bespectacled eyes glancing over constantly over to the edge of the playground- Coincidentally near the road. Gaz noticed this obviously- How could she not, her brother was so ANNOYING- And as much as she knew she wouldn't really care about whatever it is her dumb brother was anticipating, she also knew that asking about it 50% of the time makes him calm down. Sometimes.

“What's got your panties in a twist Dib- Learn that your only friend is an ALIEN or something?”

“What?! Of course not. Zim is not an alien- He was there when we fought Jim you know. He's just…”

Dib paused for a moment to glance over to his friend across the playground- Who now seemed to once again be on the move, yelling at other skool children to play with him and furthermore running away from hordes of extremely done kids. Dib cringed slightly at the sight before waving a hand in nonchalance.

INVADER JIM!!!- Where Zim is slightly more competent! Secrets!!!Where stories live. Discover now