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Badly Edited












" I'm Michael by the way , Michael Clifford "








Present time





My eyes widened and sweat was now forming at my palms .

He's Michael Clifford . Michael Clifford is standing in front of me breathing the same air that I'm breathing .

Mummy hold me , I might faint

He still had his hands out , which made me more nervous , I reached my hand out to shook it with his .

Fudge his hands are soft

" I-I'm Luke " I said while immediately taking my hands off of his , his hands were warm and I thought that he felt my clammy hands .

He's face frowned instantly when I said my name .

Was my name that horrible?

" Pretty name , call me mikey " He smiled that oh so sweet smile while tilting his head to the side , God he looked like a kitten .

" oh , got any other names , nicknames perhaps? " he asked me while shoving his hands down his pockets .

" My mum calls me Lukey , but my friend Ashton calls me Lucas "

Furrowing my eyebrows and looked at him .

Why would he want to know that though .

A huge smile made it's way to his face ,

" So tell me , Lucas ... Have you ever went to a Porn site? " he murmurs while turning his head to the other side , probably ignoring eye contact.

I mean no one just randomly ask that to someone they just met .

" N-no , not that I know of " does he knows me .

glob he knows me no doubt about it


" Okay then , Wanna eat? There's a really good place here " before I can even say no he took my hand as we well more of he dashed out of the room with me stumbling over my feet .

" God Luke you're such a klutz . " he chuckled when he noticed me tripping and almost face planting , good thing he was holding my hand though .

" I'll take that as a compliment thank you . " I barked at him .

" Don't be such a princess " he smirked obviously winning our ' argument '












// AN: Guys ... Girls , how in the world did I get 300+ reads and 60 votes!? Omfg you all are the best ily , I'll try to make this story better lol , this is like the shortest chapter but I'm like prone to sickness been sick for the past 3 days but hey I'm alive , still a good sign right? But again thank you for the votes reads and comments you guys are my absolute rainbows \\ 

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