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Michael feeling giddy as ever , he knocked on the Hemmings' door and waited for someone to open .

But really he just waited for Luke .

The door opened and revealed a Liz

" Michael? " she furrowed her eyebrows , confusion obviously written on her face .

But then it all vanished and turned into a huge smile , similar to a Cheshire Cat smile .

"Oh darling Michael come in! " Liz knew Michael because of her mum .

You can say they are good friends .

" Make yourself at home , I'll just call Luke okay? "

" Uh yeah sure thanks Liz "

Michael was listening closely to liz's footsteps until it was no longer heard .

He took a deep breathe and coughed , maybe because of the air .

" Fúcking hell " he whispered , scared that someone heard him he looked around saw no one and relaxed .

" Michael? " a voice squeaked ,

" Hmm? "

" Why are you here!? "

" I came to give the contract "

" Contract? "

" yeah for our agreement dipshìt ,so you wouldn't forget it "

" your not serious are you? "

" Believe me I am , but um i-it's not important really " suddenly
Michael 's cocky and confident self disappeared. , and turned Shy while Stuttering some more words that were not audible for Luke to hear .

" It is important if your here you know "

Luke raised his eyebrows and frowned .

Michael grabbed something behind his back pocket and quickly handed them to Luke . Or maybe throwed them to Luke and landed at the tip of his feet .

" I-if you don't like it it's okay , I-it's not the best but that what my money can handle at the moment " Michael pouted and stared intently at Luke , very curious to know if he will take it or not .

On the other hand Luke never seen this side of Michael , a big impact was blown to his face when he remembered that he kissed Ashton .

Guilt was one way to put it , but he felt aware rush running through his body , he felt happy and fidgety .

He smiled and picked up the bracelet that has an infinity symbol which made him smile more wider .

" I'm sorry " Michael was embarrassed , thinking that Luke was smiling because of his silliness.

" What are you sorry for? I love it Mikey "

" W-what!? I- I mean yah of course you'll like it , I gave it to you ya know , should feel honored " Michael on the inside sighed and did a happy dance , on the inside though .

Luke nodded his head up and down while running up to him to hug .

" This is the best contract I ever had "
// Bad chapter , yeah yeah I'll do my best at the next \\

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