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" can we stop this? " michael asked

luke glanced at him whilst sipping at his coffee ,

he turned all of his attention to mikey and gave him a toothy smile with a confused expression .

" stop what? " clueless as he is , but he knew what this was .

michael scoffed and rolled his eyes

" Luke cmon , im not gay " he gave luke an unreadable emotion that was sat on his face .

" i-i didnt say you were though " luke coughed and straighten up his back and looked away .

michael was annoyed now , lucas just knew how to push his buttons without him even knowing .

" but you fucking think i am , right? " he hissed and glared at him .

like a predator about to attack its prey

luke was silent , michael is right ... hes always right.

" think about it luke , im a 20 year old man ... i have needs , sexual frustrations and weird kinks , but really im not gay or a bi " michael gulped and tried to continue speaking but not before he felt his eyes welling up .

looking away and said

" lets stop this nonsense luke before you develop things you know that i will never feel for you , im dating a girl , she's cindy. " michael bit his lips to stop himself from trying to tell luke that it was just a lie .

a stupid , stupid lie .

" you know better that this " mikey pointed his finger to himself and pointed it to luke " is just infatuation , nothing more " he felt a tear rolling down on his cheek but before luke could even get a glimpse he already wiped them away .

you'd think michael's got it bad for luke.

but that's where your wrong .

luke's got it worse .

he felt like his eyes were a waterfall , tears kept falling and yet he made no effort to wipe them away ... why though?

maybe because he wanted michael to wipe them away for him and kiss him on the tip of his nose like he always would .

" there goes the waterworks! dude , i get it im hot but i didnt think im that hot " mikey tried to lighten up both their moods but he would be stupid thinking it'll help in anyway.

sighing he stood up from where he was sitting and went over to luke's side to hug him .

despite the height , he stood up his tippy toes and whispered to luke's ears

" im so sorry , but can we just act like as if nothing ever happened? like we never met " both felt like as if they'd die from what the other one said but , this is what's right ... right?

luke dreaded to say those 6 words , but anything for him he'd do , such a fool for love . but i dont wanna be forgotten was something he wanted to say but he cant ... he just couldnt.

" if that's what makes you happy then "

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