04: Whispers

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Phoenix's POV
Same day

"How's Junebug and the foals?" Daddy asks as I come inside and see Carol, Lori, Maggie, and Beth all making dinner and give him a side glance.

"What's all this?" I asks and he sighs.

"Maggie let them make dinner for us tonight as a thank you for helping Carl and letting them stay until they find Sophia." He says, but doesn't sound too happy about it.

I nod as I go back outside and see the Asian guy, Glenn, walking around their RV and smile.

"Hey! Phoenix, right?" Glenn asks and I nod as I sit down with them.

"Yep. Mama named me after the city of Phoenix. Said it was beautiful, just like me." I tell him and we get into a decent conversation when the lady up top, Andrea, screams that a dead one is coming towards the camp.

I stand up and see Rick and Shane running toward it as well as Glenn and T-Dog.

I follow and realize that it's the crossbow guy, Daryl, not a walker, at least I hope not.

They realize that he's not bitten and is alive only for a gunshot to Nick the side of his head.

"NO! NO!" Rick yells as he and Shane pick Daryl up and walk him back to the house, him mumbling something like he was kidding.

As they walk back, T-Dog stops everyone in their tracks with his question.

"Hey guys? Isn't this Sophia's?" He asks and we turn back to see him holding a doll.

Later that evening, I'm fixing Daryl a plate, since he's obviously super antisocial, and I'm taking it to him when I catch Shane and Lori in a heated argument over something.

"You seriously believe that Sophia's out there and alive?" Shane hisses and Lori nods.

"I'm following what my husband wants us to do. That's finding Sophia, Shane." She says and Shane rolls his eyes.

"Carl was shot Lori! Shot! What the hell makes you think Rick is leading us down the right road?" Shane asks and Lori glowers at him.

"My son and Husband are not your concern. Stop putting your nose into my marriage." Lori says and walks to the other room.

I keep my head down as I walk into Daryl's room, setting the tray of food ont he nightstand, but catching a glimpse of his back.

All I see is scars, deep scars, littering his back. I feel the tears pooling and suck it up for a moment.

"I brought you some food. Rick said you don't interact with the group much." I say, diverting my eyes to his face.

"Thanks." He says as he covers his back.

"You don't have to answer, but what happened? To your back? I was in my third year of college for Psychology, if that helps why I'm asking." I say and and he sits up to eat.

"My pa. He beat me and my brotha', Merle." He says and I look down.

"I'm sorry you went through that Daryl. Just know, from the looks of Carol, what you did today is more than her husband would've I believe." I say and he nods as he eats the rabbit I caught with the traps.

"Rabbit?" He asks and I nod, leaving the room.

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