13: Winter

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Phoenix's POV
January 2011

It's been a few months since we left the farm behind. Since Rick told us we were all infected and would eventually tune into one of these assholes.

Lori is most definitely pregnant. Dad suspects she's around 28 or 30 weeks now. She's huge in my opinion.

Rick hasn't really talked to Lori much since the farm. Since he killed Shane. Carl has also grown colder.

Daryl and I have been hunting ever day, but with little reward. Since it's wintertime now, all the animals have bedded down somewhere where humans can't get to.

Right now, we are inside a house we cleared and Daryl is plucking a freaking barn owl he shot while Carl is opening a can of dog food.

Rick walks in and sees that Carl is about to eat dog food and picks it up and throws it into the fireplace.

Jesus Christ dude, what the hell is your problem?

We don't get to enjoy our owl as T lets us know walkers are coming and we have to abandon ship again. We get into the cars, grabbing what we can use as weapons. I get on the back of Daryl's bike and we all get the hell out of there.

We stop a ways down the road and try to make a plan, but there isn't really much to plan on.

Dad says that we need to find a place soon for Lori to deliver.

T says that him and a few others are going to get water to boil later and Daryl, in his own words, says that me and him are going hunting.

We are in the woods and looking for anything we can eat, hell I'll eat a fucking mushroom for all I care.

We come to these train tracks and Daryl scoffs as he looks across the creek.

"Damn Shame." He says and I smile as I look at him.

"Maybe not." I say and he nods as we go to tell Rick what we found.

We manage to clear the yard and set campt here for the night, Beth mentioning that this could be a safe place to have the baby to Lori.

I'm sitting beside Maggie when I decide to take Daryl something to eat.

I climb on the overturned bus and hand him the small bowl of game we had caught earlier.

"Guess lil' Shane over there ehad the appetite." He says and I laugh.

"Don't be mean." I say and he smirks as we look up at the sky.

"Do ya sing?" He asks and I smile as I nod.

"Was in choir at school. Haven't sang since the turn though." I say and he smiles.

"Sing for me." He says and I smile as I start singing a song that makes me think of the world now.

From underneath the trees, we watch the sky. Confusing stars with satellites. I never dreamed that you'd be mine, but here we are, we're here tonight.

Singing, amen I'm alive
Singing amen I'm alive

If everyone cared and nobody cried
If everyone loved and nobody lied
If everyone shared and swallowed their pride,
Then we'd see the day when nobody died.

After I'm done, Daryl looks at me and smiles.

He pulls me close and kisses me gently under the moonlight.

I hope nobody else dies.

Song used in Chapter: If Everyone Cared by Nickelback.

Hurricane (Daryl Dixon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن