17: Taken

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Phoenix's POV
Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since we lost Lori and T. Two weeks since Lil' Ass Kicker was born.

Daryl found Carol in solitary confinement down in the tombs while looking for Rick.

Speaking of Rick, he's still in the tombs, refusing to come out. He's mourning the loss of his wife.

"You two idiots be careful, and no sex!" I yell at Maggie and Glenn as they prepare to go on a run for more formula. Those five canisters didn't last long with how much the baby eats.

After about three hours, I see this woman outside the fence limping, blood coming from her leg.

I get her inside and see that she has a basket of formula. About ten canisters or so.

We get her inside and and Hershel stitches her up as Rick questions her.

"How'd you get here?" Rick asks and the mystery woman refuses to talk.

Eventually she mentions Maggie and Glenn about how they mentioned the prison.

"Who took them?" Rick asks and she glares at him.

"The same bastard who shot me." She says and Rick scoffs.

We decide to go to this Woodbury place nearby to get Glenn and Maggie.

Those going are Rick, Daryl, Oscar, myself, and the mystery woman.

We get to the outskirts of the town and decide to walk the rest.

Mystery woman disappears and I groan as this is gonna backfire in our faces again.

We manage to get both of ours and try to get out, but Daryl is taken hostage and Oscar is shot.

Rick and I go back to get Daryl and see him fighting in a fucking arena bullshit against some bald fucker.

We smoke them out and shoot who we can before running away.

After we get out, Rick tells Baldy he isn't coming with us, but he does anyways.

Back at the car, everyone tries to shoot Merle as I've learned it. This must be Daryl's brother.

Daryl tries to get Rick to let Merle come back with us and I stand off to the side.

Daryl decides, since Rick won't let Merle come back, he isn't either. I feel my heart break into a million tiny pieces at that.

"Daryl? You're just gonna leave me?" I ask quietly and he shakes his head as he kisses me harshly.

"I love ya, Nix. Always will." He whispers as he leaves with Merle.

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