23: The Calm After

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Phoenix's POV

Running. That's what Daryl and I have been doing now for the past few hours, trying to get as far away from the remains of the Prison and avoid the walkers.

We've made it to this field and have collapsed, trying to catch our breaths.

Now we're at this suck ass camp. Daryl caught a snake earlier, made snake jerky. I didn't really eat, more like I couldn't eat.

I need to tell him soon.

"We need to find shelter." I say and Daryl scoffs.

I roll my eyes and grab his hand.

"Don't do this Daryl. Don't shut me out." I plead with him and he looks up at me with softer eyes and I hug him as he sobs.

We find our shelter in a funeral home stockpiled with food. We decide to leave some behind in case someone is actually surviving here.

Sometime later, we hear a noise outside and I run to see what it is.

I open the door to see a dog and smile as I give him something to eat.

We go back to doing what we were and we wind up in a service room for funerals.

I see a piano and smile as I walk to it.

"Ya gonna sing again?" Daryl asks and I smile as I nod.

I play the piano and start to sing Paddy Rielly in memory of Daddy and the others we lost.

As we get ready to turn in, I smile at Daryl as I decide to tell him about the baby.

"Daryl, listen. I'm pregnant." I whisper and he smirks as he hugs me.

We can survive here for a while.

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