22: The Storm

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Phoenix's POV

Last night, Daryl and the others returned with he medicine, and I came to.

First grand Mal Seizure since I was 11. I only have them when in sick or really stressed out.

I get up and go to see Dad. He's taking care of Glenn, who collapsed with the worse effects of this.

"I'm going outside for a while. I need some air." I whisper and he nods.

"Be careful." He says and I nod as I grab my knife and head outside the prison. I get some air for a while, and begin to walk back. I get back inside and Daryl runs to me and hugs me tight.

"So glad ya's alright." He says and I smile as I nod.

We get back to our routines, and sometime around three, this explosion happens outside and we all run outside to see The Governor has returned, and has a bunch of people and a fucking tank.

"Hey Rick! Come on down here. Let's talk." He says to Rick, who walks down there to him.

I get a rifle and aim it at the tank drivers head as Daryl does the same.

"It's not up to me! There's a council!" Rick yells and then I see Dad and Michonne being drug out of their RV.

"Is Michonne on the Council? How about Hershel?" He asks and I feel tears bubbling to the surface as he holds Michonne's sword to Daddy's neck.

When Rick tries to reason with this asshole, he calls Rick a liar and suddenly everything stops.

Daddy's head is sliced off by the sword and then everything goes to hell.

We begin shooting and I feel anger, nothing but anger as I shoot every last one of these fuckers.

In the end, we have to run. Walkers are coming into the prison now that the fences are down and due to the gunfire.

Daryl grabs me and tells me that we gotta go.

I feel tears as I nod, turning and running with him away from the prison. Our home.

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