12: Tricked

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Phoenix's POV
Two days later...

"Let's take him here. Drop him then get back." Rick says as he and Daryl make the plan to take the kid out and drop him, just like they had originally planned to do.

Rick no longer looks to Shane, but to Daryl.

Everyone is moving inside now, and I'm standing with Daryl and Rick as we wait for T to get back with Randall.

T comes back but says that Randall is gone. I look to Daryl with fear in my eyes.

Shane comes out of the woods with a bloody face moments later.

"Little bastard snuck up on me, stole my gun!" Shane says and Rick decides to go look for him.

"Get everyone in the house! Daryl, Glenn, come on!" Rick yells at T, Daryl, and Glenn. We all get inside and lock the doors and windows.

About an hour later, Daryl and Glenn come back with news that Randall turned but wasn't bit. His neck was broken though.

"Thing is though, Shane and Randall's footprints were on top of each others. Shane ain't no tracker neither." Daryl says and Lori asks him to go look for Rick. He agrees and goes outside, but stops, we all follow and do the same.

Walkers. A holy shit ton of them too.

"Maybe they'll pass by, like the highway." Andrea says and Daryl shakes his head.

"Unless there's a hidden tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size could bring the house down." Daryl says and I nod. Maggie and Dad return with the guns as Lori goes to get Carl.

We all get our guns, Daryl using a nine and his bow as I use a shotgun.

Dad is also defending the house, but I realize it first, the farm is lost. There's way too many walkers and not enough ammo.

"Get out of here! Go!" I yell to the people on the porch and they all run to the vehicles. I keep shooting walker after walker as I shove Dad to the blue Chevy. It.drives away, as well as the Hyundai and Daryl's bike. Rick and Carl get to me and drag me to the suburban.

We make it to the highway, where they had left stuff for Sophia and Carl is shivering, so I give him my winter coat.

I walk to Rick, who says he's going back for Lori.

"Rick, he needs you. Right now, that boy is your main priority. I'll stay here and hide in one of the cars. We'll meet up if others made it, and if a walker gets me, so be it. Get him somewhere safe." I say and he shakes his head as I hear Daryl's bike come down the other side of the freeway and smile as everyone gets out of the vehicles.

Who all did we lose?" I ask and they look around.

"Patricia, Jimmy, Shane and Andrea." Glenn says and I sigh as I go to walk back but Daryl stops me.

"We cant leave them back there!" I say and Daryl nods.

We drive away from the spot on the freeway, heading towards Nunez I think, when we run out of gas again.

I spot the ruins of a house and we make camp for the night.

As we are gathering things, Rick tells us we're all infected. No matter how we die, we come back as a walker.

Later that night, I'm leaning against Daryl as we sit around the fire, when this branch snaps.

Both Daryl and I are on our feet quickly looking for the source.

Someone says we have to go but Rick stops them.

Rick goes crazy and then says he killed Shane. That Shane had set the Randall escaping thing up to kill him.

One sentence sticks with me though.

This isn't a democracy anymore.

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