25: Claimed

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Daryl's POV
Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I joined this group of ragtag men.

The leader, Joe, is the one calling the shots and I get it I guess. I mean I lost my girlfriend and child.

We are tracking this other group of people because a guy killed one of their men at a house a couple weeks ago.

I'm planning on ditching them tonight to keep looking for Nix.

As I'm about to ditch, I notice a familiar face. Rick!

I walk up to them and put my bow down.

"Hey Joe! Hold up!" I say and he gets angry. I try to save Rick's life, only to get the shit knocked out of me.

Finally we get the upper hand and I stomp their asses. Afterwords Rick and I are sitting beside the car while Michonne and Carl are inside.

"Here, ya can't see yourself, Carl can."I say passing him a bottle of water and a rag to clean Joe's blood off him.

"How'd you end up with them?" He asks and I shrug.

"Nix and I were at a funeral home at first, it got overrun. She got taken by some guys in a car with a white cross on the back. I tried following it, but it sped up and I lost it. Met them after." I say and he nods.

We decide to keep on to Terminus, following the signs.

We're close, and Rick looks at us.

"Now we go through the woods. We don't know who they are." Rick says to us and we all go into the woods.

Rick buries most of our weapons in case things go bad down there before we hop the fence line.

We walk down there and see one guy saying the message I heard on the car radio going after medicine, another cooking meat.

"Welcome to Terminus! You must be exhausted. How about you sit down. There's plenty of food for everyone." A woman says and hands Carl a plate of food.

Hurricane (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now