07: Secrets Part 3

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Phoenix's POV
Next day

I wake up in the spare bedroom of the house with an IV in my hand and groan as I realize my epilepsy got me again.

I look to my left and see Daryl there in the chair, sleeping. I smile as I sit up and he opens his eyes.

"How are ya feeling?" He asks and I shrug.

"Like I usually do after an absent seizure. Like shit." I say and he smirks as he looks into my eyes.

"Phoenix, listen. Now, I ain't no good with this touchy feely crap, but I love ya. I want ya with me all the time." Daryl says and I smile as I look down.

"Ya daddy told me 'bout your ex. How he hurt ya. I'd never be like 'im, Nix. Never." Daryl says and I smile softly.

"We have to take this slow, okay. We can hold hands and kiss and whatnot, but nothing sexual. I'm not ready for it." I say and he nods as he kisses me gently.

Later that morning I'm walking with Daryl to their campsite, where everyone is eating eggs it looks like.

Dale, the older gentleman who stays int he RV, hands me a plate with a small portion of eggs and a few slices of I think spam. I got to Daryl, who pulls me into his lap as we all eat.

As we all eat, Glenn stands up and looks at us all.

"Guys...there's something I need to say." He says and I groan inwardly. Great he got Maggie pregnant. Just fucking great, I'm going to be an aunt in this shit hole world.

"The barns full of walkers." He says and I drop my fork as I wasn't expecting him to tell his group about that and just figure my sister was pregnant.

We all, well I follow, go to the barn.

"You cannot be okay with this Rick!" Shane yells and I sigh as I watch.

"This isn't our land!" Rick yells back and I decide to interject.

"My Dad. He sees them as people who are sick. My mom and half brother are in there, as well as several of our neighbors. He won't agree to clear this barn." I say and Shane scoffs.

"You knew but didn't tell us!?" He yells and Daryl gets in front of me.

"She made a call. Back the hell up." Daryl says and Shane scoffs again as he walks off.

I decide to help Daryl get firewood for both his groups camp and his own camp.

Once we are done, we are walking back when we see everyone on the steps of the house.

"Where's Rick?" Daryl asks and someone says they haven't seen him since noon.

"Come one people! We got us a damn trail!" Daryl says as Shane rounds the corner with the bag of their guns.

Hurricane (Daryl Dixon)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن