19: Leave or Stay?

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Phoenix's POV
Two days later

"Let's put him in the other cell block!" Maggie complains about Merle and I roll my eyes as I go to Daryl.

"We need to leave!" Glenn says and I interject.

"And go where Glenn? There is nowhere we can go!" I yell and he stops arguing.

We decide to stay the night, but to fight tomorrow.

We send Beth, Hershel, Carl, and Judith, yes she has a name, into the woods first thing. The rest of us make it look like we ran off.

The Governor comes into our home after blowing something up and we shoot at him and his minions.

"Get the hell out of here!" I scream as I shoot at them and they take off like a cat scalded by hot water in a cast iron skillet.

We keep at them until they're gone, Daryl wanting to finish this and go after them.

We decide to finish it and go after them once ethe other we sent into the woods come back.

Rick, Daryl, and I go out only to find the Governor's trucks and people strewn all over the road and grass either dead or a walker.

We get the shit scared out of us by a woman in truck.

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