26: A

18 0 0

Daryl's POV

Michonne and Rick still stand guard but I take a plate and begin to eat. This shit tastes funny.

Suddenly Rick knocks our plates out of our hands and begins to shoot at the people. I do as well, but we are overpowered by the armed men inside this hellhole.

The take us to a train car and shove us inside, well the leader, Gareth, tells who to go in first.

We get inside and they shut the door. As I try to figure out a way to escape, we hear a familiar voice.

"Rick?" Glenn asks and I see him and Rick hugs him as we see others.

"They helped us." Maggie says and and Rick basically lets them join our group.

People ask what we are going to do and I stand up.

""They're going to feel real stupid when they find out." I say and Glenn looks at me.

"Find out what?" He asks and Rick looks at him.

"That they're screwing with the wrong people." Rick says.

We work on a plan to escape, many of us making weapons out of what we got inside the car.

I tell Maggie and Beth about Nix getting taken.

I'm watching and I see four assholes coming towards us.

"Alright got four of them pricks comin' our way!" I tell everyone and we hear something on the roof.

They say to get on either end of the car before dropping a canister of something inside.

"Move!" Abraham yells and we all run for the ends of the cars.

The door opens and Rick, Bob, Glenn, and I all jump out and try to attack these guys, but it's kinda hard after getting flash banged.

We are drug into this room where two guys are cutting someone up and cleaning the blood with bleach, while we are drug to a trough type thing where there's four other guys.

Two people come up behind us and start with the other guys, knocking the piss out of them then slitting their throats.

They make it to Glenn before that lead prick comes in.

"Hey guys, what were your shot counts?" He asks the men behind us.

"38." One says and he goes to swing the bat.

"Hey! Your shot count?" Gareth asks the other one and he says he forgot.

"After your finished hee, go back to your post and count the shells. Katie won't be collecting them until tomorrow. Four from A, Four from D?" He questions and they nod.

The bar guy goes to get back to work after Gareth questions Rick about the bag we buried, but we hear a ting, then a loud explosion happens.

Hurricane (Daryl Dixon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang