Chapter 6.

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Looking out of the window you let out a big sigh.
"Wakatoshi was right. It's probably gonna rain until next week."

"Wakatoshi who?" You heard a annoying little voice talk.

"Your dead hamster. He visited me in my dream and told me that he will make it rain for months!" You said in a low voice.

"I'll leave you alone." Your little sister said and went down the stairs to the kitchen.

You sighed again. Gloomy weather was never something you 100% loved or liked. Nothing against it, sometimes it was relaxing and you didn't mind it, but walking to school in such a mess was disgusting.

"Y/N get ready! I'm driving you to school today!" Your mother exclaimed. And right when you turned around to give her an answer she was already gone.

You quickly got ready, packed everything you needed and went downstairs.

"You took way too long!" Your mother said annoyed. You just nodded in the same annoying mimic.
And in the second your mother opened the door something very important came to your mind.

"Who are you?" Panic flashed through your whole body.

"That's Ushijima Wakatoshi." Your sister said while walking out the house.
Wakatoshi stood there not really knowing what to do.

After the panic was settled you came straightforward with your mother.

"We walk to school everyday because we're the only one living in this neighborhood." You looked your mother dead in the eyes and smiled at her.

Your mother however stood there in shook still processing everything.

"Ohh." She looked at you and then slowly moved her head so she could look at Wakatoshi.

"Come on! Drive with us!" She said finally walked towards the car. "You don't want to get drenched!"

Author note (for once)
Sorry for the shortness! I have to sleep because i gotta work tomorrow, but wanted to give you guys a few chapters after being dead for a while.
Byeee :3

I'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain | u. wakatoshiWhere stories live. Discover now