Chapter 13.

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It's been weeks since you and Wakatoshi last did something or had a conversation.

Most of the time he just randomly pops up and wishes you a good day, but disappears after you thanked him.

And today was nothing other.

You were casually talking with Izumi while walking through the halls. The lunch break just started and you were discussing some interesting topics.

"I am telling you, they are together." You tried to convince Izumi.

"No, he didn't post shit about her on her birthday last week." Izumi argued.

"Maybe because they want to keep it private." You say raising your shoulders slightly. "You never know."

"How do you know then?" Izumi raised an eyebrow while looking at you.

"Everyone talks about how they kissed behind the gymnasium." You tell her. "It's obvious they wanna keep it private."

"And? Kissing doesn't mean a relationship, look at me and-" Izumi started but you interrupted her.

"Nooo, I don't want to hear another boy story. I'm sick of it!" You covered your ears.

"Am I interrupting something?" You stopped and froze at Wakatoshis voice. Quickly you turned towards him.

"No." Izumi said annoyed at Wakatoshis presence. She didn't really like him after he ignored you.

"Wishing me a good day?" You look at him and smile slightly.

"Yeah... and..." he said, rather shy.

You looked at him confused. "Yes?"

"I have a game tomorrow, and I would love for you to come and support me. It's the game that decides which team goes to the nationals." He explains. "I know you're busy with your own games, but I was still hoping you could come to this one."

"Oh, of course. I would love to." You give him a smile.

"I'll text you the informations, k?" He says to you in a soft tone.

"You can text?" Izumi blunts out annoyed. "Didn't know the old man could do that." She followed.

"You're older than me by a month." Wakatoshi reminded her.

"Shut up." Izumi said annoyed and started walking away from the situation.

Wakatoshi turned to you. "Have a good day." He said.

"You too." You say and smile at him as he leaves.

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