Chapter 9.

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Walking alone was something you weren't used to anymore.
Your thought were way to loud, and thinking actually made your head hurt, at some point.

The raindrops were hitting the nature less then the previous days, which was quite relaxing.
No more heavy rain, that you could hear everywhere you go. No, it was rather quiet.
To quiet for you.

You finally saw the school gates and quickened up your speed to go inside the building.
Maybe you would see Wakatoshi.

After changing your shoes you looked around. It wasn't really looking around, you just looked at his locker.
It didn't look or seem, like he changed his shoes yet.

You let out a sigh of relief. Maybe he's just sick.

He hates being sick. He told you multiple times, that he hates being sick, because he misses practice.
Maybe he woke up sick, and forgot to inform me.
Maybe he didn't even woke up, because of how sick he is.

You got touched gently on the shoulder and jumped, quickly turning around.

You knew it wasn't Wakatoshi, his hands are double the size of the hand that touched your shoulder, but you still hoped it was him.

Your eyes locked with Izumi's, Chō standing right next to her, with a smile.

„Morning Y/N." They smile at you, which made you smile weakly.

„Where's Ushijima?" Izumi asked and you lowered your head. That's what I'm asking myself.

„I have no idea, he doesn't answer my texts or calls." You say and take a look at your phone, still nothing. Turning your attention to the two females in front of you, you try to smile.

„I never liked him." Chō says quickly, while swiping her hair back and walking up front. You and Izumi follow quickly behind.

„Don't be so harsh on him! Maybe something happened, we never know." You say and hold your schoolbad tight, while looking at Chō with concerned eyes.

Chō turns around slightly and looks at you, the grin she had before disappeared, and you and Izumi stop abruptly.

„Sorry, but he could've at least send a text." She huffed and turned back around, continuing walking in front of you and Izumi.

You turned to Izumi who was rather quiet.
But she quickly smiled at you, reassuring you, that it's just not a good day for her.

You three walked up to the classroom's of the third year's. Chō went to another class so you quickly said goodbyes and left her.

As you two walked to your first class you cursed under your breath.
Why couldn't you be in one class with Wakatoshi? Maybe you would know what happened then.

„Don't curse yourself for being in a better class then him." Izumi looked at you with an annoyed expression.
Why would you wish to be in a class that's not on your level? And why is it because of a boy? That's what she thought.

„What do you mean better? Were just on a higher educational level then his class." You say with some anger in your voice.

„Yeah, were better then him." Izumi said and didn't look at you this time.
„I don't mean in the sport way, you know? I mean in our education we are better." She began using her hands to explain.

„I get it, don't worry." You say and look to the opposite side of where she was walking.

„He's gonna continue playing volleyball, for sure. But because he's not capable of pursuing anything else. I don't mean it in a bad way, I'm just thinking that, if volleyball stops existing, he wouldn't be special." She say's and you stop in your track.

Izumi got surprised by this.

„Don't say that!" She as well stops and looks at you.
„He's good in a lot of things, and education is one of them. You say it like he's some dumb boy, who just hits a ball every day, but he's not like that." You let out rather louder, getting attention from some people in the halls.

„Yeah, okay, I apologize for talking so bad about him," Izumi say's and looks away, „but don't ever think about yourself negative, because of him. Yeah, maybe if you were in his class, you would've know more about his status or what he's doing, but if you would be in his class you wouldn't reach your full potential." She say's with a serious voice.
„You're better then him, not in volleyball, but definitely in tennis and education." And with that she turns around and lets you stand in the hall on your own.

She was right though. You were in an advanced class, where only top students of the grade get in, Izumi being one of them.
And not only were you in the class, most of the time you were the best of the class.

Number 1.

Your feet moved on their own into the classroom and just with a few more steps you were in front of your seat.

Why? Why though? Why am I the best? Why not someone else?

You look around. Everyone in this room could be number one on in the class, or tennis, or just everything in general.
So why do you have to be it?

Hearing the teacher come in, you sit down on your seat at the window.

„Don't forget, that today everyone of you has to talk to the career advisor, about your future plans." The lovely teacher says and takes out, some worksheets for the class, from her bag.

„This will happen next lesson, so get out your stuff, we will talk about the book everyone had to read." She adds and looks through the class.

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