Chapter One

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"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick an arrowhead in my eye!"

In the nineteen years of your life, you'd never understood that phrase.

Many children in Mondstadt use that phrase to signify that they are telling the truth.

And to be completely honest, you even thought that phrase was a little stupid.

What kind of psychopath would casually jam an arrowhead into someone's eye?

Little did you know, you would soon be in the company of those who very much fit that description.


You were dreaming about wolves. Snow white wolves. They were surrounding you, jaws dripping with saliva and eyes glittering with hunger.

They seemed as though they were trying to tell you something instead of eat you however.

And you weren't scared of them either.

The wolves seemed to be saying 'return.' and 'come home.'

"But I am home." You whispered to the wolves.

Suddenly, a blast of snow filled air hits you in the face, half blinding you.

Through your hindered vision, you could swear you could make out a tall figure with long majestic white hair.

A sense of nostalgia swarms throughout your body and you reach out your arm, trying to reach the mysterious person.

As quickly as the figure's ice blue eyes fell on you, your eyes snapped open and you found yourself reaching for the rafters of your house, still in your bed with Nils fast asleep next to you.

Looking out your window from where you were lying, you saw the golden sunrise peeking through your light green curtains.

It was time to get up.

You turn over in your bed and nudge the boy next to you.

"Nils. Nils, it's morning. We've gotta get up and get over to Hq." You say.

Nils rubs his eyes sleepily and nods.

He quickly rises from the bed and tries to smooth down his spiky tan hair to no avail.

"Hey (Y/N), you we're calling out in your sleep y'know." Nils says groggily.

"Oh? And what was I saying?" You asked.

"Um...I think it was something in another language...maybe...nuh.....ny...nyk..ugh, I don't know. You were also saying things like 'I don't want to go' but also 'take me, not her.' Must've been a wild dream you were having." Nils says, a smile playing at his lips.

You stare at a water cup on a nightstand. Other guild members had reported you calling similar things in your sleep before, yet you didn't ever know why. You never remembered your dreams during that time outside of the mysterious snow white wolves.

The color of the wolves you dreamed about were quite strange because the wolves in Wolvendom are only gray and brown.

"Earth to (Y/N). We have to go." Nils says, now fully awake and in his regular clothes.

Cross My Heart (Fatui Harbingers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now