10k Special (kinda)

2.2K 57 41

By the time this is posted we'll probably be past 10k but it's the thought that counts lol.

I don't know why I made this exactly, I just wanted to make one 😘


Female (Y/N) Voicelines:


Hm...So you're who I've been hearing about? You don't so happen to be another magical being vying for my attention, do you? No? That's good, I've met way too many of those. Oh yeah, introductions. I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you. I hope we can stay friends.


Oh, you're finally up. Anyways, I made you some breakfast. How did I do this? Well, see, first you crack an egg into a pot, then you...oh, that's not what you meant?


Oh, it's kind of a lazy day, isn't it? If you want to take a nap, I'll watch over you so you don't get hurt in the open.


It's already that late? Wow, the day can go by so quickly. If you want to go to sleep now, that's fine by me. But, if you don't...maybe we can look up at the stars for a bit? I can show you all the constellations. See, I wanted to be an astrologist when I was little, but...oh, maybe that's a story for another time.

Good Night-

Heading off? I don't blame you. I'll see you in the morning!

When it rains-

Rain sounds are so calming...Oh! But don't stay out in it for too long, you hear me? I don't want you getting sick!

When it snows-

Make a pinky promise, you keep it all your life~ Break a pinky promise, I throw you on the ice~ The ice freezes the finger off that once betrayed your friend~ The cold will kill your tongue so you never lie again~

When it's windy-

Ugh...I kind of don't like the wind...I wonder if I can convince Nils to ask Barbatos to stop it for me...just this once...hehe


The crack of thunder kind of reminds me of the times I've seen Scaramouche get pissed off...You hear it but it doesn't actually strike until you've calmed back down. And by that time...you're dead...hehehe

Thunderstorms (After Wanderer)-

The crack of thunder kind of reminds me of the times I've seen the Raiden Shogun get pissed off...You hear it but it doesn't actually strike until you've calmed back down. And by that time...you're dead...

When the Sun is Out-

Hey look, the sun is back. Oh, but don't go actually looking at it. I won't have you going blind on me, you hear me?

Chat- Fatui

Oh, the Fatui Harbingers? Well...I know many people think all of them are straight up bad, but...I've seen the other sides to them. They've all been abandoned or abused at one point in their lives, and they've grouped up to try and make others' lives better, even at the cost of their own lives.

Chat- Twins

Yeah, I have a twin. What about her? Haven't I told you most of it? She's my pride and joy, and I love her more than anything. What do you mean 'isn't she insane'? Are you TRYING to pick a fight with me?

About (Y/N)-

What do you want to know? No, you can't call me mommy.

More about (Y/N) I-

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