Chapter 2: Like An Open Tap

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[K's Pov]

I sigh as I watch his vitals stabilize on the monitor beside him. The small Protogen lying on his bed with the needle of the IV fluid stuck into his left arm. I didn't know he is in a bad shape. He only just got here, and now he's all sick already. "Is he alright?" I heard a voice behind me, and I turned around to look. It is Scott. 6 foot, normal size, and normal Protogen. One of the successful assimilation of a latex beast with retained human thinking of the host. I wonder if him being a human before brought him a successful transfurmation. The other two I've tried to bring to life are... Questionable. Either born with a blessing, or a curse.

"Lui's doing better now compared to earlier when he suddenly dropped cold. Body temperature is unfortunately still slightly higher compared to a normal body temperature, but not high enough to be considered alarming." I explained and Scott let out a sigh of relief. "Although, may I ask you? How are you feeling, Scott? How are you feeling after all that's happened to us so far in the past."

His Protogen visor expression turned sad with his eyes closed. "Rough, really. It's been months now since we've lost Prima. I still can't forget how he sacrificed himself for us and for himself. A lot of confusion with encountering these... Weird creatures that have appeared in the dream state. All of them, best left forgotten." Scott stated and he walked closer beside Lui who is still lying on the bed, unconscious.

"About those creatures you and Prima have encountered. I have come to a conclusion that everything you have witnessed is an illusion. It's a fantasy to fool you into giving up. There's not much evidence to prove that the beings that have appeared are true. I have also came to a conclusion that the Malware is an unstable mass of destruction, yet fooled by it's own ambitions of fairy tales and power. There is also no evidence or lab tests to prove the outcome I have concluded upon. The Malware, despite being an amalgamation of the smarts that have developed it, is Schizophrenic." I stated as I look at Scott standing beside Lui. Scott is barely listening, and is more fixated on Lui's condition.

As foolish as my statement may sound. It is however, the one closest to the truth a logical being may think of. An AI babbling about a cosmic creature, and desiring for power to be as powerful as this cosmic creature, yet all unable to be answered by Scientific reasoning. A hoax, I may say, but I admire the determination of seeking power to grow stronger. "Hey Scott?" I called his name and the Protogen looked at me. "Can you still do the connection dream state thing?" I asked and Scott gave me a slight nod. "I think I can still do it. Don't tell me you want me to connect to Lui."

"I figured that if this dream state your Protogen kind has can be so limitless to the point that you can even run a diagnostic and repair a software of the Protogen you are connected with, perhaps you can use it to illustrate the Protogen race as you explain the origin to him." Scott immediately held the right paw of Lui, looking at the small Protogen before looking back at me. "Maybe this is the right time I tell him about the Protogen race, and also an opportunity for me to even search for my own kind. I'm sure of it, they are out there.

[Scott's pov]

The connection, I still can't get used to this. It only takes a split second, and you're here already. The minds of two connected in one void. The cold pavement I feel on my two foot paws, and the cold breeze the darkness has that brushes against my white fur. The deserted landscape filled with void. I can only see what's around me. The void limits the view. It has been months since I've connected to someone with my own kind. It feels... Miserable for me to be here. I have to find Lui.

I took a step forward into the unknown, and another, and another, and another step. I aimlessly walk through the pitch black void, until my right foot stumble upon something hard. I gently reached out my right paw to touch the hard surface. The texture feels like wood. I reached out my right paw further, and I feel steps of a staircase leading up. I took a step forward on the stairs, slowly setting my footing as to not lose balance in the dark. Step, and another step. One after another, until I bumped onto something hard.

I reached out my right paw to examine, and I felt something round. It's... A doorknob. I held the knob of a door with my right paw, and slowly turned it. I felt the door open, and I gently pushed the door for it to open wide. Behind the door is... A room. The walls of the room are made out of wood, and so as the flooring. A dining table sits in front of the entrance, and there is a kitchen on the far north-east corner of the room. I noticed a figure sitting on one of the wooden chairs of the dining table. Upon closure inspection,  it revealed to be Lui.

He doesn't appear to be wearing his jacket in this dream state. "Hey there, Lui." I greeted the small Protogen, and he quickly looked at me. "Scott? Is this for real? Why are you in my shack? I didn't know you know the way to my shack. I should... Well, prepare you something. It would be rude of me to not do so." Stated by the small Protogen, and I shook my head. "It's alright. You don't have to. I just want to tell you about something you've been meaning to know."

It seems Lui isn't aware of the dream state, and his consciousness treats me as if this is part of a dream he is currently dreaming about. It would be best to tell him about the dream state when he's actually awake than asleep. It's time to break the ice.

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