Chapter 27: At peak

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[K's pov]

"Recording... I have completely lost track of the numbers. It is still the same since yesterday. I am still trapped in the upper levels of the tower. The lower levels down the staircase is inaccessible because of the amount of Latex flooding in. I merely have any food left, and soon I will run out. I regret creating that experiment. I should've stayed away from it. I should've stopped after Lui." I said to myself as I write the same words I have spoken onto the paper I am holding and pen that I found lying around the offices.

What have I done? The Latex infestation has resurfaced, and it is spreading at an alarming and uncontrollable rate. The Latex used to be contained in the lab's medium levels, but it has found its way into the subway tunnel and deep laboratories, seeping into the cracks and polluting my water supply. My experiment could have been successful if the Protogen had lived and the Latex had not reached the water. Everything is now in shambles, and I'm trapped in the upper levels of the tower. I don't know where the others are, and I hope they're all safe.

The last time I've seen Puro, Colin, and Prototype is a day ago when I sent them to the nearby water plant, after which my experiment awoke and proceeded to wreck havoc in the lower levels. I must have used a blueprint, a code, or something from the black artifact to produce this mess. If only science could undo everything. I need to figure out how to get down. The Latex now appears to be hostile. Something I only realized recently when I tried to approach the hallway that was covered in it.

I can't help but stare out the window as the sun rises. I then noticed a tiny figure in the sky, but I paid little attention and focused more on the paper I've been holding on one paw and a pen on the other paw. The words I have said out loud earlier have been written on the paper I am holding, and I must continue writing. Maybe through my papers, I can tell my last words before I die from starvation.

[Scott's pov]

"It appears the ship's navigation has malfunctioned and is heading just above the Thunder Science Company tower. The ship controls are also unresponsive, so I can't have the thrusters lowered to a speed safe for us to jump off and release our parachutes. We need to time our jump right and release our parachute. Then we glide and land on top of the tower. We only have one shot at this, or else we die." I acknowledged him with a nod and went to face the ship's control panel. The distance between the Thunder Scientific Corporation tower and the ship is shown in the panel.

"We're not far from the tower. Be ready. Check your parachute bag to see whether it's in working order. I'll be opening the ship doors now, and you'll be leaping after me. Got it?" I said as I turned back, and John and Lui both nodded. I then pressed one of the control panel's buttons, and the ship's door opened. John and Lui stood in front of the open door. John is on the right side of the open door, while Lui is on the left. I stood between them, estimating and calculating how long it would take us to fly to the Thunder Science Company tower.

If my calculation is accurate, we should be leaping around... Now. I then raised my arms in an attempt to grasp for the sky before allowing my body to fall and be drawn by gravity. As I fell from the skies, I used my tail to spin back and check on the two, and John and Lui jumped along with me. I rotated myself around to face down once more using my tail. When I noticed the tower nearby, I immediately opened my parachute bag.

[Saint's pov]

My creator has blessed me with a vessel of a creature named Protogen, and the knowledge and power of the artifact. With the power of the mind, I shall understand the secrets that contain within the artifact. The artifact of this world piques my interest as it contains more than sacred spells of the Cosmic Gods. It contains knowledge of the mortal plane, but one appears to be valuable than most. Dream state, described as a separate plane of consciousness where minds of Protogen connect and interact. I must learn and obtain access to the dream state, and influence that plane of consciousness with one of the spells I have recently found in the artifact. I appreciate my creator's effort of sending a few of his disciples to check up on me.

A robot, a white latex wolf, and a black latex wolf. As the Saint, I will help them achieve their original purpose. The white latex wolf shall achieve great in size. The black latex wolf shall achieve great in flight. The Prototype shall achieve great in flourish. As the three grow, so shall the latex. The upper laboratories shall house his disciples as they achieve their true goal, and the water plant shall house the growth of the latex. The deeper laboratories will house the artifact for the time being. I must wait for the Malware that I must ascend. At the moment, I must obtain the dream state.

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